VOXL not booting and fan full speed
Hi @Chad-Sweet,
I got the USB and Debug Add-On board and followed the "unbricking" procedure but I am not able to get a device to show up when running "sudo fastboot devices". The fan stays at full power the entire time and I am not able to communicate using adb or fastboot.
Additionally, no lights are coming up on the add-on board. Do you have any further suggestions? This unit did work when I first received it. The procedure in the link does work on a new voxl flight so I am sure the expansion board is working.
Hello @evigdorchik,
Could you try a different usb. We have seen that by changing the usb sometimes that works. If that doesn't work, try another computer. There have been a few instances where changing workstations fixes the issue.
LMK how those go -
@Adrian-Hidalgo I have tried various cables and computers without any luck. I ended up replacing the voxl flight in the flight deck and the new one seems to be functioning correctly (cameras work and vio is delivering a solution). Now with the old voxl flight on the bench I am still unable to get it to fastboot or connect to it over adb. There is nothing connected to it besides power, USB to computer, and the USB expansion board.
@evigdorchik, that's interesting. Do you mind posting pictures, both sides, of the board that's not functioning?
It sounds like it somehow shorted, especially if the leds at the back go out, the fan only spins at one speed, and adb goes out.
Was the device continually disconnecting from wifi and then booting or both went out at the same time? -
You did an excellent job removing the wifi.
There are a few places that I've seen some shorts form. One was caused by the wifi insulation chafed by the usb connection. May want to see if there is damage there. Another case has been an actual spark arcing from usb and plug.
A known short is caused if a jst connector is plugged into J1004(yellow connector) using the usb adapter to connect to QgroundControlBy any chance did you feel any significant heat being produced before the board went out?
Sorry I cannot recall if there was significant heat coming from it before it went out.
I never plugged a USB cable into the flight core side. I only communicated through voxl-vision-px4.
I don't see any chaffing on the wifi antenna shielding either. I did plug a usb cable into the voxl side for adb communication several times and cannot recall if there was a spark but honestly I was not looking for it.If a short formed somehow is this board dead? My main concern is making sure I don't kill the new board I am working with in the same way.
Usually the fan is more than enough to cool the board, however, during testing here at the shop, we typically have an external fan running on it since the board is plugged in for an extensive amount of time.
As far as the usb, there shouldn't be any issues with plugging in multiple times. Saw the arc happen only once, so wanted to get that out of the way as a potential factor.
To be honest, I don't know if the board is completely dead. The fact that the fan is still spinning and that the green led light's up for a second seems to me that it isn't completely dead. I'd need to run some tests on it to be sure. I'd love to debug it further if you'd like to send it back to us. I want to know why this issue happened to prevent it from happening again and of course avoid headaches and time delay on your part.
Okay, I will send it your way and put your name on it. What is the address I should send it to?
Here is our rma page to follow: https://www.modalai.com/pages/rma?_pos=2&_sid=4b1e0e876&_ss=r