MCP2515 CAN device on VOXL2 J10 SPI + gpio
I have added a MCP2515 CAN controller to the SPI bus on J10 using GPIO_46/CS1 as the interrupt gpio pin. I have added the in tree driver into the kernel. I have requested gpio 46 as the interrupt pin, but it is not taking effect. However, when it does request the gpio, you can see contention on the pin.
What do I need to do in order to configure GPIO_46 as an input gpio to use as an interrupt for this device? Below is the DT node that I am using.
+&qupv3_se14_spi {
status = "ok";
can_spi: can@0 {
compatible = "microchip,mcp2515";
reg = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&tlmm>;
interrupts = <46 0x8>;
clocks = <&clk12M>;
spi-max-frequency = <8000000>;
Thanks in advance!
Paul -
@Paul-Handrigan , please see this post, depending on which board you have (M0054 or M0154), it may not be possible to use GPIO 46 as input :