I am trying to test the VOXL ESC Mini with px4 running on either a pixhawk6x or KakuteH7.
I am using PX4 v1.14.3, which has the modal_io driver. I have done the necessary board configuration to run the modal_io module on the pixhawk 6x and kakuteH7, and I can configure the modal_io params from QGC. However, when I send any actuation command from the command line or using the "actuators" page of QGC, the motors do not run.
Kindly note that the same exact software and hardware configurations were successfully tested with the "VOXL ESC 4-in-1 Digital I/O UART Communications".
Also, the VOXL ESC Mini was tested separately using the VOXL ESC tools and it runs successfully, so the unit is not damaged.
Below are the modal_io parameters used in my testing:
MODAL_IO_BAUD: 250000 (200000 was also tested with no success)
Can you first kindly confirm whether the VOXL ESC mini is compatible with modal_io driver running on px4 v1.14.3? if so, should it also work with pixhawk6x and kakuteh7 given the the normal M0134 model works?
Finally, can you kindly advise what changes need to be done to run the VOXL ESC Mini with this hardware?