Hello, has 8021q vlan been tested on the VOXL2 before? I'm building the module for 1.8.02 for SDK 1.4 by enabling CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q, but it's causing some issues.
Below is the output from lsmod
before and after enabling the module:
voxl2:/$ lsmod
Module Size Used by
voxl_platform_mod 16384 0
voxl_gpio_mod 16384 0
voxl_fsync_mod 16384 0
machine_dlkm 159744 0
wcd938x_slave_dlkm 16384 0
wcd938x_dlkm 110592 1 machine_dlkm
wcd9xxx_dlkm 49152 1 wcd938x_dlkm
mbhc_dlkm 45056 1 wcd938x_dlkm
tx_macro_dlkm 106496 0
rx_macro_dlkm 102400 0
va_macro_dlkm 98304 0
wsa_macro_dlkm 69632 1 machine_dlkm
swr_ctrl_dlkm 57344 4 wsa_macro_dlkm,tx_macro_dlkm,rx_macro_dlkm,va_macro_dlkm
bolero_cdc_dlkm 57344 5 machine_dlkm,wsa_macro_dlkm,tx_macro_dlkm,rx_macro_dlkm,va_macro_dlkm
wsa881x_dlkm 45056 1 machine_dlkm
wcd_core_dlkm 32768 7 wsa881x_dlkm,machine_dlkm,wsa_macro_dlkm,tx_macro_dlkm,rx_macro_dlkm,va_macro_dlkm,wcd938x_dlkm
stub_dlkm 16384 0
hdmi_dlkm 24576 0
swr_dlkm 24576 4 wsa881x_dlkm,wcd938x_dlkm,swr_ctrl_dlkm,wcd938x_slave_dlkm
pinctrl_lpi_dlkm 20480 0
pinctrl_wcd_dlkm 16384 0
usf_dlkm 57344 0
native_dlkm 163840 0
platform_dlkm 2195456 1 native_dlkm
q6_dlkm 909312 9 bolero_cdc_dlkm,machine_dlkm,pinctrl_lpi_dlkm,usf_dlkm,va_macro_dlkm,swr_ctrl_dlkm,wcd9xxx_dlkm,native_dlkm,platform_dlkm
adsp_loader_dlkm 16384 0
apr_dlkm 229376 4 q6_dlkm,usf_dlkm,adsp_loader_dlkm,platform_dlkm
snd_event_dlkm 16384 5 bolero_cdc_dlkm,machine_dlkm,q6_dlkm,pinctrl_lpi_dlkm,apr_dlkm
q6_notifier_dlkm 16384 3 q6_dlkm,pinctrl_lpi_dlkm,apr_dlkm
q6_pdr_dlkm 16384 1 q6_notifier_dlkm
88XXau 2342912 0
8821cu 2465792 0
8188eu 1200128 0
voxl2:/$ lsmod
Module Size Used by
stub_dlkm 16384 0
q6_notifier_dlkm 16384 0
q6_pdr_dlkm 16384 1 q6_notifier_dlkm
The cause of this can be found using dmesg
, where an example line is shown below. A multitude of other modules are showing similar errors with other symbols like _dev_err
[ 4.764189] voxl_gpio_mod: disagrees about version of symbol device_create
[ 4.764192] voxl_gpio_mod: Unknown symbol device_create (err -22)
However, running dmesg | grep VLAN
voxl2:/$ dmesg | grep VLAN
[ 1.954223] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
[ 5.013433] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device bond0