@teddy-zaremba Thank you. I installed MicroDDS and am running the agent in VOXL2. I just enabled it and made sure the necessary services are running, but it looks like I got the same result as before, where nothing would happen after supposedly the Arm command was sent. Is there anything else I could be missing?
Latest posts made by GlennTee
RE: VOXL2/ROS2 Drone Runs Figure 8 Offboard Program Instead of My Program
RE: VOXL2/ROS2 Drone Runs Figure 8 Offboard Program Instead of My Program
@Eric-Katzfey Hi again. I just tried flying it again and the drone did not default to running the Figure Eight program this time, but instead it did nothing once I swapped the controller to offboard mode. It did not arm, the props did not spin, or anything like that, but did absolutely nothing. I made sure to set "offboard_mode": "off" in voxl-vision-hub. I've attached a screenshot of my terminal below.
VOXL2/ROS2 Drone Runs Figure 8 Offboard Program Instead of My Program
I recently started working with a Starling drone with VOXL2 and ROS2, and I am having a bit of trouble trying to run a sample offboard program I found from the PX4 website. I followed the steps on the website to upload and run a program that allows the drone to send setpoints, enter offboard mode, arm, fly five meters into the air, and finally wait. However, when attempting to run the program, the default Figure 8 program on the drone runs instead. This is the link to the guide I followed: https://docs.px4.io/main/en/ros2/offboard_control.html
Additionally, I also ran the command voxl-vision-hub in the terminal with some of the outputted information shown below:
Parameters as loaded from config file:
config_file_version: 1MAVROS / MAVSDK
en_localhost_mavlink_udp 0
localhost_udp_port_number: 14551VIO
en_vio: 1
vio_pipe: qvio
secondary_vio_pipe: ov
en_reset_vio_if_initialized_inverted: 1
vio_warmup_s: 3.000000
send_odom_while_failed: 1MISC FEATURES
horizon_cal_tolerance: 0.500000
offboard_mode: figure_eight
follow_tag_id: 0
figure_eight_move_home: 1
robot_radius: 0.300000
collision_sampling_dt: 0.100000
max_lookahead_distance: 1.000000
en_tag_fixed_frame: 0
fixed_frame_filter_len: 5
en_transform_mavlink_pos_setpoints_from_fixed_frame:0It should be noted that the drone has Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS2 foxy. The PX4 and Mavlink services are also enabled and running. I'm wondering if there is a step I'm missing or some software that I am missing. Anything helps. Thank you.