Unable to send mav commands by voxl-mapper
In voxl-mapper, the drone does not move even if I select "Follow Path" in "Plan Home" or "Plan to a Point".
The result of "voxl-mapper -d" shows "sending trajectory to plan channel", so it seems to be working fine.
But, voxl-vision-px4 shows the following error:Jan 01 00:03:57 apq8096 voxl-vision-px4[2165]: ERROR validating trajectory data received through pipe: read partial packet Jan 01 00:03:57 apq8096 voxl-vision-px4[2165]: read 7936 bytes, but it should be a multiple of 7940
Is there something wrong with the settings?
I used dev branch, and each version is as follows.
voxl:~$ opkg list-installed | grep "modal" libmodal-json - 0.4.0 libmodal-pipe - 2.1.5 libmodal_exposure - 0.0.2 voxl:~$ opkg list-installed | grep "voxl" libvoxl-cutils - 0.0.2 libvoxl-io - 0.5.6 libvoxl_io - 0.5.4 voxl-camera-calibration - 0.1.1 voxl-camera-server - 0.8.1 voxl-cpu-monitor - 0.2.3 voxl-dfs-server - 0.2.2 voxl-docker-support - 1.1.3 voxl-gphoto2 - 0.0.6 voxl-imu-server - 1.0.0 voxl-mapper - 0.0.3 voxl-mavlink - 0.0.2 voxl-mavlink-server - 0.0.6 voxl-modem - 0.13.0 voxl-mpa-tools - 0.4.5 voxl-nodes - 0.2.2 voxl-opencv - 4.5.5 voxl-portal - 0.2.2 voxl-qvio-server - 0.4.0 voxl-streamer - 0.2.8 voxl-suite - 0.5.0 voxl-tag-detector - 0.0.2 voxl-tflite - 2.2.3-1 voxl-tflite-server - 0.2.0 voxl-utils - 0.9.4 voxl-vision-px4 - 1.0.1 voxl-vpn - 0.0.3
$ cat /etc/modalai/voxl-vision-px4.conf /** * VOXL Vision PX4 Configuration File * */ { "qgc_ip": "", "en_localhost_mavlink_udp": true, "en_secondary_qgc": false, "secondary_qgc_ip": "", "qgc_udp_port_number": 14550, "localhost_udp_port_number": 14551, "udp_mtu": 512, "en_vio": true, "en_voa": false, "en_send_vio_to_qgc": true, "en_send_voa_to_qgc": false, "en_set_clock_from_gps": false, "en_force_onboard_mav1_mode": true, "en_reset_px4_on_error": true, "qvio_auto_reset_quality": 0.00050000002374872565, "horizon_cal_tolerance": 0.300000011920929, "voa_upper_bound_m": -0.15000000596046448, "voa_lower_bound_m": 0.15000000596046448, "offboard_mode": "trajectory", "follow_tag_id": 0, "figure_eight_move_home": true, "en_tag_fixed_frame": false, "fixed_frame_filter_len": 5, "en_transform_mavlink_pos_setpoints_from_fixed_frame": false }
$ cat /etc/modalai/voxl-mapper.conf /** * This file contains configuration that's specific to voxl-mapper. * depth_mode = 0 for tof input or 1 for dfs input. */ { "depth_mode": 0, "robot_radius": 0.3, "voxel_size": 0.20000000298023224, "voxels_per_side": 16, "esdf_save_path": "/data/voxl_mapper/esdf_map", "tsdf_save_path": "/data/voxl_mapper/tsdf_map", "mesh_save_path": "/data/voxl_mapper/mesh.ply", "esdf_max_distance": 4, "esdf_min_distance": 0.05, "esdf_default_distance": 2, "esdf_inner_sphere_radius": 0.20000000298023224, "esdf_outer_sphere_radius": 0.600000023841858, "rrt_min_distance": 0.2, "rrt_max_runtime_nanoseconds": 1000000000, "rrt_use_first_solution": false, "rrt_treat_unknown_as_occupied": true, "rrt_send_tree": false, "loco_num_segments": 5, "loco_derivative_to_optimize": 3, "loco_poly_degree": 4, "loco_smoothness_cost_weight": 2.5, "loco_collision_cost_weight": 18, "loco_waypoint_cost_weight": 0, "loco_min_collision_sampling_dist": 0.01, "loco_add_waypoints": true, "loco_scale_time": true, "loco_split_at_collisions": true, "loco_resample_trajectory": true, "loco_verbose": false }
Hey @JP-Drone,
Thanks for pointing this out, voxl-vision-px4 was an update ahead of voxl-mapper. I just pushed up a patch (v0.0.5) that should fix this issue.
@Matt-Turi Thank you for your quick response.
After updating to v0.0.5, it worked!