How to tune OpenVins
We are testing with the new SDK1.14 and the OpenVins implementation.
The basic test that we're doing is taking off to 1m and staying there.
What we did see is that out of 50 tests that we did, only 10 were relatively correct. The other ones where going a lot higher.Hereby 2 flight logs that you can check :
Bad flight :
Good flight : can we tune the performance and accuracy of indoor flights?
Can we get some technical help on this, please? -
@Kessie Hi there, can you please post your vio_cams.conf file?
So far is appears the Quality of the vio data is degrading in both flights, just faster in the bad flight. Is there a reason to sit in the takeoff state (on ground, motors spinning) for 20+ seconds? A scenario like that will create a level of vibration/movement in the cameras where ovins will start to pick up false positive features creating instability. We can increase the threshold for takeoff, but may give an undesirable offset of a origin (0,0,0 maybe 1/2m above the ground for example). You can first try increasing the following values by 50% increments:
"zupt_max_velocity": 0.03,
"zupt_noise_multiplier": 1,Hence:
"zupt_max_velocity": 0.045,
"zupt_noise_multiplier": 1.5,And see if that improves.
@Cliff-Wong sure, it is the default for Starling 2 Max:
"cams": [{
"enable": true,
"name": "tracking_front",
"pipe_for_preview": "tracking_front",
"pipe_for_tracking": "tracking_front_misp_norm",
"is_occluded_on_ground": false,
"imu": "imu_apps",
"cal_file": "opencv_tracking_front_intrinsics.yml"
"enable": true,
"name": "tracking_down",
"pipe_for_preview": "tracking_down",
"pipe_for_tracking": "tracking_down_misp_norm",
"is_occluded_on_ground": true,
"imu": "imu_apps",
"cal_file": "opencv_tracking_down_intrinsics.yml"
}We've also tried to only use the front-tracking camera, but with a same result.
The longer waiting time was because we were checking the number of keypoints and the 6DoF result in ov_overlay before taking off. (Hoping to identify what is the culprit)
We will try tuning the mentioned parameters -
@Cliff-Wong We have tested further, but we keep getting drift on the Z-axis.
There are moments that it works OK-ish, but the majority of our tests, the height estimates starts to go down (value goes up) and we have no clue about the reason.
FYI : We are testing this in a warehouse with plenty of good features and consistent lighting.