GPS and VL53L1 not working
I recently purchased the PX4 Autonomy Developer Kit and have noticed that neither the GPS nor the distance sensor is functioning properly. I’ve conducted some outdoor flights on a sunny day with no external interference, but the GPS did not connect to any satellites. I haven’t made any modifications to the kit that could cause a malfunction. Below is the output from my terminal.
Could anyone assist me with this issue?
voxl2:/etc/modalai$ voxl-configure-rangefinders 1_downward_on_m0141
creating new config file for 1 downward TOF without multiplexer
enabling voxl-rangefinder-server systemd service
Done configuring voxl-rangefinder-server
voxl2:/etc/modalai$ voxl-configure-rangefinders 1_on_m0141
creating new config file for 1 TOF without multiplexer
enabling voxl-rangefinder-server systemd service
Done configuring voxl-rangefinder-server
voxl2:/etc/modalai$ voxl-rangefinder-serveri2c_bus: 1
has_nonmux_sensor: 1
n_mux_sensors: 0
n_enabled_sensors: 1
vl53l1x_timing_budget_ms: 50
id_for_mavlink: -1
enabled: 1
sensor_id: 0
type: TOF_VL53L1X
fov_deg: 27.000
range_max_m: 3.000
location_wrt_body: -0.025 0.020 0.008
direction_wrt_body: 0.000 0.000 1.000
is_on_mux: 0
i2c_mux_address: 0x70
i2c_mux_port: 0=================================================
initializing i2c bus 1
initializing non-multiplexed tof sensor id 0
ERROR: in voxl_i2c_reg16_read_bytes, failed to write to bus
ERROR in vl53l1x_check_whoami, failed to read whoami register
ERROR in vl53l1x_init, failed to verify whoami
Error initializing sensor 0
voxl2:/$ px4-listener vehicle_gps_positionTOPIC: vehicle_gps_position
timestamp: 80789290 (892.490662 seconds ago)
timestamp_sample: 0
time_utc_usec: 0
device_id: 11272245 (Type: 0xAC, SERIAL:6 (0x00))
lat: 0
lon: 0
alt: -17000
alt_ellipsoid: 0
s_variance_m_s: 999.00006
c_variance_rad: 3.14159
eph: 4294967.50000
epv: 3750866.50000
hdop: 99.99000
vdop: 99.99000
noise_per_ms: 87
jamming_indicator: 19
vel_m_s: 0.00000
vel_n_m_s: 0.00000
vel_e_m_s: 0.00000
vel_d_m_s: 0.00000
cog_rad: 0.00000
timestamp_time_relative: 0
heading: nan
heading_offset: 0.00000
heading_accuracy: 0.00000
rtcm_injection_rate: 0.00000
automatic_gain_control: 0
fix_type: 0
jamming_state: 0
spoofing_state: 1
vel_ned_valid: False
satellites_used: 0
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@jefersonsilva What does
look like? -
@jefersonsilva If you let it sit for a long time does it eventually find satellites and get a fix?