voxl 2 external rangefinder compatibility
I am trying to find the best solution for minimizing altitude drift during low altitude outdoor VIO navigation. I have read this documentation about VL53L1X rangefinders, but I really would prefer not having to set this up as it would require modifying our drones to accommodate the tracking & hires cameras specific to the kits that come with the M0173 board.
Is it possible to connect a VL53L1X rangefinder to port J19 and interact with the sensor through the px4 firmware? Looking through the voxl branched 1.14 firmware there seems to be drivers for the VL53L1X sensor. I know it's not possible to use voxl-rangefinder-server through J19 as the page I linked says, but I see no reason I can't use the port through px4 itself.
Also, would the process (if possible) simply be:
- Connect the VL53L1X sensor
- Assuming the sensor connects properly, modify EKF2_HGT_REF to prioritize rangefinder
Or are there any intermediate steps? I am not really sure if these drivers run automatically or if you have to enable them via certain parameters. For example, SENS_EN_VL53L1X, which should enable the driver on boot, is not visible by default.
@jonathankampia Just to respond to my own post here in case anyone else has the same question: It does work! We hooked up a VL53L0X rangefinder to the QUP3 i2c ports in the J19 connector and were able to start the driver with no issues by adding the start command to the voxl-px4.conf file. Interestingly, you have to modify both the EKF2_HGT_REF parameter and a specific rangefinder priority parameter that controls whether rangefinder sensor fusion is enabled at all times or just conditionally. If it's just enabled conditionally, the rangefinder data does not fuse into the EKF2 local position estimator.
@jonathankampia Brilliant! thankyou for figuring this out.