Neopixel GPIO control on VOXL2 SPI port
I am looking to integrate a neopixel (WS2815) on the VOXL2, but was concerned that the SPI gpio can not be re-purposed for general purpose GPIO. There is a voxl2 linux guide that shows a gpi-mod kernel driver so there is concern that we would not be able to access the GPIO to faciliate the neopixel driver signal in user space (like how RPI.GPIO python library works on a raspberry pi)
@brahim , i dont think you can easily use SPI on VOXL2 for Neopixel. However, our ESCs support neopixel output. Pleasee see and similar docs for the mini and fpv ESCs.
You can use the python script to test the LED strip and if you want to go further we can help you with PX4 integration.
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