Rename ROS Topics pulished by the RB5
My setup includes a RB5 drone, connected to a local wifi network, running the voxl_mpa_to_ros node. This enables my laptop connected on the same network to find and subscribe to the same topics remotely.
I would like to implement my own SLAM (such as RTAB-MAP or ORB-SLAM3) based on the image and imu data received from the drone. This requires me to change the name on the ROS topics published by the drone to ones expected by the SLAM node.
For example, in case of ORB-SLAM ( -
Expected topics:
for Mono(-Inertial) node
for Stereo(-Inertial) node
for Stereo(-Inertial) node
for Mono/Stereo/RGBD-Inertial node
for RGBD nodeActual topic names:
/hires_large_color /hires_large_encoded /hires_large_grey /hires_small_color /hires_small_encoded /hires_small_grey /hires_snapshot /imu_px4 /qvio/odometry /qvio/pose /qvio_overlay /rosout /rosout_agg /stereo_front/left /stereo_front/right /stereo_rear/left /stereo_rear/right /tracking
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@Prabhav-Gupta The code for voxl-mpa-to-ros is here. You can for it and make the changes you need
@Moderator Thanks a lot, I will look into this!
@Prabhav-Gupta You can just remap the topics coming out of the voxl_mpa_node, or remap the topics inside your ORBSLAM launch file. No need to mess with the source code.