Voxl2 Date/Time Incorrect, not updating
Good morning,
We have been working with a few Voxl2 Products and as of last week we have faced an issue on one of the aircraft where the date and time do not match what is current. For example, I have logged into my Voxl2 a few times today and each log in shows my last login as over a week ago.
My data logs are also showing the wrong date/time and are not updating, which means I have multiple logs with the same date and extremely similar time, yet flown a few days apart.
Any advice on updating this? We recently installed a Doodle Labs nano-SDR that we had in shop and have had no issues with that integration process so far. SDR integration was more recent than the date that shows on all the logs.
@Stefan-Amundarain The date and time can only be updated to actual date and time when there is an internet connection. When it can connect to the internet it uses NTP to update the time. Otherwise it just uses the last date and time it had before.
@Eric-Katzfey thank you for clarifying.
Is there no internet passing through the SDR to the Voxl2?
How do I get the Voxl2 to connect to the internet via nanoSDR? Is this Possible?Our nanoSDR is connected to the internet via our GCS SDR, and therefore we are able to view the Voxl2 webportal and the Doodle Labs web GUI to modify settings.
We can verify that the date and time of our SDR is based on NTP as well and those update just fine.
@Stefan-Amundarain We have not tried getting Internet traffic routed to the Doodle Labs network. Should be possible but we haven't done it.