dpkg nor opkg found on VOXL
@Gary-Holmgren In what context are you seeing this error? Running
? -
@tom And do you have ADB connected or are you trying to deploy via SSH?
@tom yes correct I am using ./deploy_to_voxl.sh over ssh
@Gary-Holmgren I'll see if I can replicate
@Gary-Holmgren Works fine for me
I have my VOXL 2 in SoftAP mode, is that what you are doing as well?
@tom And then in docker it works as well:
@tom I am trying in station mode and still not working. Not sure what to try
@tom I have tried several different packages and templates and they don't seem to work after the SDK update
@Gary-Holmgren Hmm yeah station mode is working fine for me as well.
Are you able to just ssh onto the VOXL normally?
Did you happen to change the root user password on VOXL?
@tom yes I am able to ssh in normally and I did in fact recently change the root password from the default
@Gary-Holmgren Ah so that would be the issue, the default password of
is hard-coded into thedeploy_to_voxl.sh
script -
@tom gotchya! thankyou I will make sure to update the script. thankyou for your help!
@Gary-Holmgren I'm also going to update the help text on that error in our
template as the "ERROR neither dpkg nor opkg found on VOXL" is obviously not accurate