VOXL 2 Stereo Calibration
Hi all,
Trying to do a stereo camera calibration on a VOXL 2 and getting pretty large re-projection errors when calibrating the extrinsics but okay error for the individual cameras. Followed the documentation for calibrating the cameras and sifted through the forums but can't seem to find a solution to this. Is there a step to calibrating that isn't specified in the documentation? or is there a best practice for doing these calibrations? Thanks!
the actual distance between cameras is about 0.0857 but that is not what it is calculating
Sorry for the lag here, I'm cleaning up open topics and saw this message a bit late.... Any progress on this issue?
@modaltb No problem! I think I'm getting close. Im pretty consistently getting a reprojection error ~0.6 at this point so still have yet to successfully calibrate stereo extrinsics. Tried new stereo cams, refocusing, different lighting, different scales of checkerboards, but can't get sub 0.5
I also have the same problem.
Lol today it decided to finally work. error 0.39
@bendraper Curious to know if some factors changed from the last time you got the large errors
@Adrian-Hidalgo I redesigned the mounting piece for the cameras, used new refocused cameras, and fixed some errors in my general camera extrinsics file (although I'm not sure that last one is related)