How to record high resolution camera frames/videos?
Hi everyone,
I am currently working with a Sentinel dev drone (VOXL2) on which voxl-camera-server version 1.3.5 and voxl-streamer version 0.4.1 are running. I tried to save frames through voxl-logger, but the saved images have a resolution preview_width x preview_height = 1280 x 720 instead of snapshot_width x snapshot_height = 3840 x 2160 (as specified in the voxl-camera-server.conf file). Is it possible to save the frame (and also stream the video) in the original format (3840 x 2160) and NOT in the preview format (1280 x 720)?
Thank you in advance for your response. -
The frames that go through logger/streamer are the preview stream, to take a snapshot run
voxl-send-command hires snapshot <file path>
and it will save a full resolution jpeg snapshot to the filesystem. You can also not provide a file path and it will save to/data/snapshots/
Thank you for your quick response. I tried to use the command that you suggested
voxl-send-command hires snapshot
After running this command the console prompts
Successfully sent command to /run/mpa/hires/control
However no path /data/snapshots/ is created and no .jpg is saved in the /data/ folder. If I try to run again the same command the following response appears
Unable to find valid pipe that accepts control commands at: hires
The only way to retry to take another snapshot is to reboot the system, but it keeps not saving any images.
Sounds like an error occurred, what does
journalctl -u voxl-camera-server
say after running the commands? -
Feb 09 11:44:02 m0054 systemd[1]: Started voxl-camera-server. Feb 09 11:44:04 m0054 bash[1394]: ------ voxl-camera-server: Camera server is now running Feb 09 11:44:04 m0054 bash[1394]: WARNING: Camera stereo_front recieved much newer master than child Feb 09 11:44:04 m0054 bash[1394]: WARNING: Camera stereo_rear recieved much newer child than master Feb 09 11:55:32 m0054 bash[1394]: Camera: hires taking snapshot (destination: /data/snapshots/hires- Feb 09 11:55:33 m0054 bash[1394]: free(): invalid pointer Feb 09 11:55:33 m0054 systemd[1]: voxl-camera-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, stat Feb 09 11:55:33 m0054 systemd[1]: voxl-camera-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
I am having the same problem. I created a the snapshots folder too, and the camera server crashes.
@afdrus instead of rebooting, you can restart the server with: systemctl restart voxl-camera-server