My s500 drone is not stable with altitude
I have been testing the s500 drone manually and with QGROUNG Control, but it always seem to go a but it tends to go higher than what I command it with the controller or with the software, Does anyone had this problem before.
@José-Quintanilla, hello, sorry to hear you're having issues with the M500. Let's see if we can get it straightened out.
To clarify, the drone will always drift higher than commanded either in manual control or with mission mode?
Does the drone drift in any other axis? I'm guessing it responds to lowering in altitude.
What version of software are you currently using? Also, what parameters are loaded?
Does the drone consistently drift or are there times where it doesn't?
What have you attempted so far?
The drift could come from a sensor being off. You could first redo the sensor calibrations and see how the drone behaves. -
@Adrian-Hidalgo The drone drifts only in altitude, when I fly it manually i have to alternate the altitude with the controler just to stabilize it, I'm currently ussing the 4.2.4 version of QGC and I normally fly it in Manual, I've try the stabilize mode but it doesn't really works I'm going to try recalibrate it, and then try some test flights. Thanks for the help
@José-Quintanilla can you send us the log file of the flights? That could give us some insight. Also could you send us your px4 parameters? In QGC go to Vehicle Setup, Parameters, Tools --> upper right hand corner, in the drop down select save to file and send that to us.
@José-Quintanilla Was this solved? If yes, how?
I'm having a similar issue where the drone is constantly drifting towards its right/left (Mostly right, but sometimes left too)