Voxl-docker creates unsable HAL3 binary file
I was trying to follow the guide to create a simple HAL3 example application -
Unfortunately, when using the voxl-docker, the file created is usable when using the VOXL2.
This is the error I received -
hello_hal3_camera: error while loading shared libraries: libutils.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64I was also wondering if is is possible to create a VOXL2 image + SDK intended for developers so everything can be compiled natively over the board itself.
Shauli -
That hellocamera is a really old example that predates the VOXL SDKbfor VOXL 1.
voxl-camera-server is the supported method for accessing camera data. You can leverage that source code if you want to do something else
Hi @Chad-Sweet ,
Thanks for letting me know. I would advice to maybe write somewhere that is not the recommended approach when using VOXL2.
thanks for the suggestion, note added to hellocamera