[Starling2Max] Unable to take off due to no valid local position estimate
Recentry, I configured Staring2 Max with the indoor mode, but it is not able to take off due to no valid local position estimate:
Arming Check Report: No valid local position estimate
To resolve this issue, I tried to figure out the cause.
Then, I found that "xy_valid: False" with the command "px4-listener vehicle_local_position".Could you please help me to fix this issue?
- What hardware are you using? If you have specific SKU or serial number, that is also helpful
What hardware are you using? If you have specific SKU or serial number, that is also helpful What version of software are you using? voxl-version is very helpful for determining software version. How have you configured the software? What is the output of voxl-inspect-services Do you have any logs? Uploading PX4 logs to https://logs.px4.io can be very helpful. See details on PX4 logs here Can you share pictures of your setup? Have you looked at the source code? If so, can you point to any potential issues?
- What version of software are you using? voxl-version is very helpful for determining software version.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- system-image: 1.8.02-M0054-14.1a-perf kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 11 22:59:41 UTC 2024 4.19.125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hw platform: M0054 mach.var: 1.2.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- voxl-suite: 1.4.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no current network connection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How have you configured the software? What is the output of voxl-inspect-services
Service Name | Enabled | Running | CPU Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------- docker-autorun | Disabled | Not Running | modallink-relink | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-auto-logger | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-camera-server | Enabled | Running | 79.8% voxl-cpu-monitor | Enabled | Running | 0.4% voxl-dfs-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-elrs-startup | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-feature-tracker | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-flow-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-imu-server | Enabled | Running | 1.2% voxl-io-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-lepton-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-lepton-tracker | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-logger | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-mavcam-manager | Enabled | Running | 0.0% voxl-mavlink-server | Enabled | Running | 3.4% voxl-modem | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-open-vins-server | Enabled | Running | 101.0% voxl-osd | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-portal | Enabled | Running | 0.1% voxl-px4-imu-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-px4 | Enabled | Running | 26.7% voxl-qvio-server | Enabled | Running | 29.2% voxl-rangefinder-server | Enabled | Running | 0.5% voxl-remote-id | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-softap | Enabled | Not Running | voxl-state-estimator | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-static-ip | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-streamer | Enabled | Running | 0.0% voxl-tag-detector | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-tflite-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-time-sync | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-uvc-server | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-vision-hub | Enabled | Running | 1.6% voxl-vrx | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-vtx | Disabled | Not Running | voxl-wait-for-fs | Enabled | Completed |
- Do you have any logs? Uploading PX4 logs to https://logs.px4.io can be very helpful. See details on PX4 logs here
voxl2:/$ px4-listener vehicle_local_position TOPIC: vehicle_local_position vehicle_local_position timestamp: 326528208 (0.008416 seconds ago) timestamp_sample: 326527550 (658 us before timestamp) ref_timestamp: 0 ref_lat: nan ref_lon: nan x: -0.00292 y: -0.00900 z: -4.82586 delta_xy: [-0.00000, 0.00000] delta_z: 0.00000 vx: 0.00147 vy: 0.00107 vz: 0.00699 z_deriv: -0.00125 delta_vxy: [-0.00078, 0.00095] delta_vz: 0.00020 ax: -0.01182 ay: 0.06224 az: -0.02922 heading: 0.23297 delta_heading: 0.00000 ref_alt: nan dist_bottom: 0.10000 eph: 0.01332 epv: 0.33389 evh: 0.03809 evv: 0.07235 vxy_max: inf vz_max: inf hagl_min: inf hagl_max: inf xy_valid: False z_valid: True v_xy_valid: False v_z_valid: True xy_reset_counter: 1 z_reset_counter: 1 vxy_reset_counter: 1 vz_reset_counter: 1 heading_reset_counter: 0 heading_good_for_control: False xy_global: False z_global: False dist_bottom_valid: False dist_bottom_sensor_bitfield: 0 dead_reckoning: True
- Can you share pictures of your setup?
- Have you looked at the source code? If so, can you point to any potential issues?
@Yoshimaru-Tanaka A PX4 log would be helpful. Can you please make sure the parameter SDLOG_PROFILE is set to 129 (e.g.
px4-param set SDLOG_PROFILE 129
). Delete all current logs on the drone (e.g.rm -fR /data/px4/log/*
). Then start logging (e.g.px4-logger on
). Wait a few seconds then attempt to arm the drone. After it fails with no local position stop the log (e.g.px4-logger off
). Upload the log file from the drone and share via logs.px4.io. -
@Eric-Katzfey Thanks for you response.
I uploaded the log.
https://logs.px4.io/plot_app?log=8129ccfb-6ab4-4851-914c-5066e4667d9f -
I also found the following:
- px4-commander does not start automatically.
- "Compasse sensor 0 missing" does not disappear with the following comannd, and the preflight check fails.