Starling 2 Thermal Camera Suggestions
@modaltb I just wanted to follow up on the issue I described before.
Do you know what causes this behavior?Thanks for your help!
@wifa799 What is the output you see when running
voxl-uvc-server -r 160x120 -f 9
on the command line? And then if you stop voxl-streamer (e.g.systemctl stop voxl-streamer
) and start on the command line withvoxl-streamer -c uvc-flir-lepton
what does it print out? -
@wifa799 If you have setup and configured multiple RTSP video streams on different ports with voxl-streamer then you can setup the voxl-mavcam-manager application to advertise the streams to QGC. Then QGC will allow you to choose which stream you want. Without voxl-mavcam-manager you can only configure QGC to look at one stream.
@Eric-Katzfey Thanks for your reply!
When running
voxl-uvc-server -r 160x120 -f 9
I get the following:
So it looks like the voxl-uvc-server is already running in the background.
When I open VLC Network Stream (udp://@:4242) I can't see the camera stream.After I stopped it with CTRL-C, I typed
systemctl stop voxl-streamer
and startedvoxl-streamer -c uvc-flir-lepton
This is the output:
When checking the stream via VLC I still don't see anything.
@wifa799 So I would stop both voxl-uvc-server (
systemctl stop voxl-uvc-server
) and voxl-streamer (systemctl stop voxl-streamer
). Then in one terminal window start voxl-uvc-server from the command line (voxl-uvc-server -r 160x120 -f 9
) and leave it running (Don't hit ctrl-c to exit). Then in another terminal first make sure that/etc/modalai/voxl-streamer.conf
has been configured properly to use the uvc stream and then start it with verbose output (voxl-streamer -v 0
). You can get some documentation on the options withvoxl-streamer --help
. Then you should be able to access the RTSP stream with VLC or QGC atrtsp://
@Eric-Katzfey and @modaltb Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately, I still couldn't get the camera to work.
To make sure it wasn't an SDK issue, I updated it to voxl-suite 1.4.1 and ran the drone's wifi in station mode.
Both the drone and the Linux laptop are connected to my smartphone's hotspot.As suggested, I first stopped the voxl-uvc-server and the voxl-streamer.
Then I started the voxl-uvc-server with the correct Lepton camera configuration and got this error:"uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size failed
width, height, and or framerate likely not supported
run voxl-uvc-server -l to list supported resolutions for your camera"To do what you suggested, I opened a new terminal window and opened the /etc/modalai/voxl-streamer.conf file.
I then started the streamer with verbose output and saw that, as expected, the configuration had not been updated:
To check if there was an actual stream available, I ran nmap on the laptop and saw that port 8900 was still not open:
As expected I also didn't see any RTSP stream using VLC.
Is there anything else I can try?
@wifa799 Did you see the error message that was printed when voxl-uvc-server exited? It says to try
voxl-uvc-server -l
to see what formats your camera advertises since the one you tried isn't supported. Can you try that? And voxl-streamer configuration file specifies the small encoded hires stream which it appears to connect with and start streaming. You would need to modify the configuration file if you want it to use a different stream. But if you want it to use the voxl-uvc-stream then you need to get that working before you can try streaming it. -
@Eric-Katzfey Thanks again!
First, we stop any running uvc-server and streamer. Then we define the voxl-uvc-server settings usingvoxl-uvc-server -r 160x120 -f 9
Next we opened a new terminal and started the voxl-streamer with the default settingsvoxl-streamer -v 0
In the terminal it shows that it took some default options (w: 1024, h:768, fps: 30), which are not the settings we defined voxl-uvc-server.
As expected, the stream failed to open in VLC.We now found that when overriding the input pipe specified in the config file to uvc with
voxl-streamer -i uvc -v 0
, it takes the correct values as defined in voxl-uvc-server -r 160x120 -f9.After attempting to open the stream in VLC it crashes after a few frames.
The error messages vary every time we re-start the stream.No. 1:
No. 2:
Do you know how we can solve this issue? -
@wifa799 I think we're going to have to set this up and run some tests to see if we can recreate the issue. Probably won't happen until next week though.
Thanks @Eric-Katzfey!
Let me know if I can provide anything from my side.