What connector do you use for integrating a peripheral into MAVLink Instance 1 on TELEM 2?
Looking through your documentation here I found mention of the following:
"MAVLink Instance 1
hard coded to TELEM2 as it’s routed in the PCB, defaulted at 921600 baud in Normal mode
this is the primary serial interface to communicate with VOXL
the baud rate and mode are configurable by the user, but recommended to use the defaults"**I cannot find mention of TELEM2 in any of the documentation for connectors and see that it is routed on the PCB and is the primary serial interface. What is the correct connector on the VOXL Flight for interfacing with TELEM2? Can any UART work, and if so, how would that connector be defined as the interface to route MAVLink messages? **
Thank you very much for your time and any help on this matter.
Hi @blue , If you look at VOXL1 connectors (https://docs.modalai.com/voxl-datasheets-connectors/) , you can see it has J12 port with BLSP5 (UART5). In VOXL Flight board, this connector is not populated and this VOXL1 UART5 is wired directly to Flight Core (STM32) UART5. (yes it is UART5 on both VOXL and STM32). So in PX4, TELEM2 should be using STM UART5.
Does this answer your question?
@Alex-Kushleyev thank you for your response, this answers my question!