Microhard pMLTE-4GL-ALO
Does anyone know if there is a way to integrate the Microhard pMLTE-4GL-ALO https://www.microhardcorp.com/pMLTE-2.php
Overall, this board provides a lot of features and would be more interesting in some uses cases than just WiFi or Cellular.
Maybe this would need a custom carrier board???
Thanks for any advice on how this might be used.
Anyone? I really would like to connect this board over the VOXL2 instead of 3 different systems.
We don't know anything about that product beyond the link you provided. If that component has an interface that VOXL 2 has, like USB, it seems either the dev board would work with some software development, or a custom add-on could be developed
@Chad-Sweet Thanks Chad. I was considering the USB option as well. Ultimately a carrier board like the one you have for the MH radios would be the most ideal, but we can certainly do some testing with that unit and USB access.
Hi @Mastermind
If you look at our tech docs page for the Microhard modules, you'll see we have a block diagram explaining our hardware.
That should help any hardware developer get going with either the adapter you need or a custom plug in board.
Here are some relevant links we have that might help you:
We are constantly updating that expansion design guide so feel free to let me know if there is any topic you want addressed so we can prioritize.
Thanks -
@Vinny Thanks! I will have to get one of these boards and then see how we might do the integration. This might require a company like ConnectTech