@Alex-Kushleyev Hi Alex, Thank you for your reply. I also have 2 pairs of stereo sensors, is it possible to use them together with the configuration which you have mentioned above? Basically, I want to use a Hi-res (with coax adapter), a tracking and two pairs of stereo sensors together.
Thank you.
Posts made by vaibhavswami
RE: Using MSU-0161 Hi-res camera with MMSU-M0014 tracking camera.
Using MSU-0161 Hi-res camera with MMSU-M0014 tracking camera.
Hi, I have purchased a 4k High-resolution, Low-light Sensor for VOXL
(Starvis IMX412 w/ micro-coax & M12-style Lens) (MSU-M0161) with Micro-coax Adapter for VOXL 2 (MDK-M0155-1), a tracking camera (MSU-M0014-1-01) and a VOXL 2 Dual Camera Adapter (MSU-M0084) cable. I want to use this Hi-res camera along with the Tracking camera but the Micro coax adapter that comes with the Hi-res camera completely occupies the J7 port of the VOXL2. Is there a way I can use both these cameras together with the help of any adapter or converter or something?