@tom thank you for the information. I've been flying with one of the nightly builds using VINS and 3 tracking cameras enabled which is great!
Question about the extrinsics for Starling 2 - I'm working on moving one of the cameras for a custom setup, and through the process of understanding the extrinsics.conf I've found the measurements in the exiting configuration don't make sense with the CAD model.
These are the tracking camera extrinsics in extrinsics.conf:
"name": "D0014_Starling_2",
"extrinsics": [{
"parent": "imu_apps",
"child": "tracking_front",
"T_child_wrt_parent": [0.037, 0.000, 0.0006],
"RPY_parent_to_child": [0, 90, 90]
}, {
"parent": "imu_apps",
"child": "tracking_down",
"T_child_wrt_parent": [-0.08825, -0.0045, 0.00269],
"RPY_parent_to_child": [0, 0, 180]
}, {
"parent": "imu_apps",
"child": "tracking_rear",
"T_child_wrt_parent": [-0.092, 0.016, 0.0036],
"RPY_parent_to_child": [0, -90, -90]
The RPY rotations make sense. The translation vectors appear to be inconsistent when measuring in CAD. I think an extra zero was added on the tracking_down Z translation in the D0014_Starling_2 configuration (See attached screenshots). Can you verify if I'm understanding this correctly?
That leads me to another question: where exactly on the camera is the translation measuring to? Its seems to point somewhere in the middle of the lens but I cant find any documentation on where on the camera is the origin for the extrinsics. Thank you!
system-image: 1.8.02-M0054-14.1a-perf-20241121
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 22 04:58:23 UTC 2024 4.19.125
hw platform: M0054
mach.var: 1.0.1
voxl-suite: 1.4.0-202411212200
no current network connection