Regarding the Flex PCB M0177 for the M0178, is there a longer Flex PCB available as a substitute? The current length is somewhat difficult to work with.
Additionally, I couldn't find the specifications for the M0177 in the documentation. Could you provide them to me?
Posts made by rogerli
ToF Flex PCB
RE: obstacle avoidance
After using the lens for a while, it starts to defocus. During this period, the lens has been on the drone and hasn't been touched. What could be the possible reasons for the lens to defocus? -
RE: obstacle avoidance
@modaltb Thank you. I improved the defocusing issue by rotating the lens, but I still can't adjust it to achieve the same sharpness as the left lens.
RE: obstacle avoidance
Okay, then I can only use a stereo camera. However, the stereo camera I'm currently using has an issue: the image from the right lens is blurrier than the one from the left lens, resulting in a poor depth map.
In what situations can image blur occur?
left lens

@tom The SDK version of the VOXL2 that I'm using is 1.1.3.
RE: Unable to communicate with add-on board
@Vinny Thank you for your response. So it's normal that DS2 doesn't light up? Also, do I need to reflash the SDK or unbrick the VOXL2?
RE: Unable to communicate with add-on board
I placed insulating tape between the VOXL2 and the MH add-on board to ensure they don't make direct contact, but it still didn't resolve the communication issue. D1 still lights up and DS2 turns off, and I still can't find the IP address of the MH.Only D1 and DS1 light up
RE: Unable to communicate with add-on board
@Vinny Here are my current settings and the power module can run normally.
Additionally, I previously had an external flight controller connected to J18, a Microhard add-on board connected to J3, and a stereo camera connected to J6.
Unable to communicate with add-on board
Hello, I encountered some issues with my VOXL2. Initially, it showed a red light when powered on. After disconnecting all connections and powering it on again, the light turned green. However, I couldn't connect via adb. Later, after leaving it for some time, I was suddenly able to connect via adb. At this point, I noticed some strange behavior with the LEDs. Firstly, D1 had a yellow light, and then DS2 would turn off about five seconds after powering on.
Regarding functionality, I used voxl-inspect-server to check, and all the opened servers appeared to be working fine. However, I found that there was only power but no communication between VOXL2 and the Microhard add-on board (the Microhard could pair with my computer). When I checked with ifconfig, I noticed that VOXL2 did not display usb0 or eth0. Even when using a WiFi dongle, wlo0 was not displayed.
What is the current status of VOXL2? What steps should I take to ensure that VOXL2 functions properly?
RE: Can not connect to VOXL2
Here are the situations without connecting to VOXL2:
Here is the situation with VOXL2 connected and running normally:
Here is the situation with VOXL2 connected but encountering issues:
When I slide the SW2 switch into the OFF position, it remains in the QDL mode and I am unable to connect via adb. Is there any way to solve this issue?
RE: collision prevention problem
@Eric-Katzfey Sorry, I didn't save the stereo camera images from voxl-logger, so I can only provide the PX4 log file. Currently, I am addressing the exposure issue using the method I mentioned earlier, and it seems to have improved the effectiveness of collision prevention. Additionally, to ensure that the drone can stably stop in front of obstacles, I made the following modifications to the voxl-vision-hub code.
int pie_binner_filter_to_mavlink_msg(pie_binner_t* b, mavlink_message_t* msg) { int i,j; // final distance data for px4 uint16_t distances[72]; uint16_t dist_max_cm = b->dist_table.dist_max * 100.0f; // now set the bins to max_distance +1 means no obstacle is present. for(i=0;i<72;i++){ distances[i] = dist_max_cm - 10; } if(b->ringbuf.items_in_buf>0){ // scan bins for any that meet the criteria // for each angle.... for(i=0; i<b->rows; i++){ // scan the distances from inside out, remember we have one extra column // than we do distance bins for(j=0; j<(b->cols-EXTRA_BINS_TO_CHECK); j++){ // skip empty bins if(b->map_points[i][j] <= 0) continue; // sum up points in this bin, the two on either side // and the three behind it int sum = 0; for(int k=-1; k<=1; k++){ // row (angle) to inspect with wraparound check int ii = i-k; if(ii<0) ii+=b->rows; else if(ii>=b->rows) ii-=b->rows; // sum points in this bin plus extras for(int m=0; m<=EXTRA_BINS_TO_CHECK; m++){ sum += b->map_points[ii][j+m]; } } // check the sum of points in all the neighbors if(sum >= b->pie_threshold){ float dist_m = b->map_dist[i][j] / b->map_points[i][j]; // if(dist_m<0.1f) continue; // error check, not needed? uint16_t dist_cm = dist_m * 100.0f; if(dist_cm<150) continue; else if(dist_cm>=150){ distances[i] = dist_cm; last_dis[i] = distances[i]; zero_count[i] = 0; //printf("added a distance! i: %d j:%d dist: %5.1fm\n", i, j, (double)dist_m); break; // move onto next angle } // distances[i] = dist_cm; // break; } } if(zero_count[i]<30){ distances[i] = last_dis[i]; zero_count[i]++; } } } // TODO investigate if min distance changes px4 behavior or not #define MIN_DISTANCE_CM 0 // set other params for mavlink message uint64_t time_usec = 0; uint8_t increment_int = 0; // use the float field instead float increment_f = 360.0f / b->tan_table.n_bins; float angle_offset = 0.0f; // 0 means bin 0 is straight ahead along X mavlink_msg_obstacle_distance_pack(autopilot_monitor_get_sysid(), VOXL_COMPID,\ msg, time_usec, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_UNKNOWN, distances, increment_int,\ MIN_DISTANCE_CM, dist_max_cm, increment_f, angle_offset, MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD); return 0; }
However, during the drone's flight to the right, it suddenly pauses. The drone's distance sensors are only equipped with front-facing stereo cameras, so they shouldn't detect obstacles on the right side. Why is this happening? Is there a way to solve it?
Here is my PX4 log file -
Can not connect to VOXL2
I have a VOXL2 board that was previously working fine. Today, while using the ADB shell in WSL, I discovered I could not connect to it, but I was able to connect using an Ubuntu computer. After connecting, I configured a WiFi dongle and used SCP to upload about 2GB of files to the board. After a while, I noticed the SCP command had not completed, and later attempts to connect via SSH also failed. At this time, the light on the WiFi dongle was flashing slowly instead of blinking rapidly as it does when connected.
I tried power cycling, but the light on the WiFi dongle remained abnormal. I also tried changing the addon board and the WiFi dongle, but only once did I see the light on the WiFi dongle flicker (though it still didn't connect); after that, the light on the WiFi dongle did not come on again. I also attempted to use the ADB shell, but the device could not be found.
I followed the unbricking instructions to try flashing, but it failed halfway through. Below is the execution message.
aiseed@ThinkPad-T15g:~/Downloads/1.1.2-M0054-14.1a-FLAT-V3/ufs$ sudo qdl --debug --storage ufs --include . prog_firehose_ddr.elf rawprogram_unsparse0.xml rawprogram1.xml rawprogram2.xml rawprogram3.xml rawprogram4.xml rawprogram5.xml patch0.xml patch1.xml patch2.xml patch3.xml patch4.xml patch5.xml HELLO version: 0x2 compatible: 0x1 max_len: 1024 mode: 0 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x0 length: 0x40 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x40 length: 0x310 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x2000 length: 0xc48 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x3000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x4000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x5000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x6000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x7000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x8000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x9000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0xa000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0xb000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0xc000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0xd000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0xe000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0xf000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x10000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x11000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x12000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x13000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x14000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x15000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x16000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x17000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x18000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x19000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1a000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1b000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1c000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1d000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1e000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x1f000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x20000 length: 0x1000 READ64 image: 13 offset: 0x21000 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value="INFO: Binary build date: Aug 17 2021 @ 23:37:37" /></data> LOG: INFO: Binary build date: Aug 17 2021 @ 23:37:37 FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: Binary build date: Aug 17 2021 @ 23:37:37 " /></data> LOG: INFO: Binary build date: Aug 17 2021 @ 23:37:37 FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: Chip serial num: 185920495 (0xb14ebef)" /></data> LOG: INFO: Chip serial num: 185920495 (0xb14ebef) FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: Supported Functions (15):" /></data> LOG: INFO: Supported Functions (15): FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: program" /></data> LOG: INFO: program FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: read" /></data> LOG: INFO: read FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: nop" /></data> LOG: INFO: nop FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: patch" /></data> LOG: INFO: patch FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: configure" /></data> LOG: INFO: configure FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: setbootablestoragedrive" /></data> LOG: INFO: setbootablestoragedrive FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: erase" /></data> LOG: INFO: erase FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: power" /></data> LOG: INFO: power FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: firmwarewrite" /></data> LOG: INFO: firmwarewrite FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: getstorageinfo" /></data> LOG: INFO: getstorageinfo FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: benchmark" /></data> LOG: INFO: benchmark FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: emmc" /></data> LOG: INFO: emmc FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: ufs" /></data> LOG: INFO: ufs FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: fixgpt" /></data> LOG: INFO: fixgpt FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: getsha256digest" /></data> LOG: INFO: getsha256digest FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: End of supported functions 15" /></data> LOG: INFO: End of supported functions 15 qdl: firehose operation timed out FIREHOSE WRITE: <?xml version="1.0"?> <data><configure MemoryName="ufs" MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes="1048576" verbose="0" ZLPAwareHost="1" SkipStorageInit="0"/></data> FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: Calling handler for configure" /></data> LOG: INFO: Calling handler for configure FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: Storage type set to value UFS" /></data> LOG: INFO: Storage type set to value UFS FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <response value="ACK" MemoryName="UFS" MinVersionSupported="1" Version="1" MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes="1048576" MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytesSupported="1048576" MaxXMLSizeInBytes="4096" DateTime="Aug 17 2021 - 23:37:37" /></data> [CONFIGURE] max payload size: 1048576 FIREHOSE WRITE: <?xml version="1.0"?> <data><program SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES="4096" num_partition_sectors="32776" physical_partition_number="0" start_sector="3154440" filename="qti-ubuntu-robotics-image-qrb5165-rb5-sysfs_1.ext4"/></data> FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="INFO: Calling handler for program" /></data> LOG: INFO: Calling handler for program FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="ERROR: Failed to initialize (open whole lun) UFS Device slot 0 partition 0" /></data> LOG: ERROR: Failed to initialize (open whole lun) UFS Device slot 0 partition 0 FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="ERROR: Failed to open the device:3 slot:0 partition:0 error:0" /></data> LOG: ERROR: Failed to open the device:3 slot:0 partition:0 error:0 FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and no error, weird 344489460" /></data> LOG: ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and no error, weird 344489460 FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <log value="ERROR: Failed to open device, type:UFS, slot:0, lun:0 error:3" /></data> LOG: ERROR: Failed to open device, type:UFS, slot:0, lun:0 error:3 FIREHOSE READ: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <data> <response value="NAK" rawmode="false" /></data> [PROGRAM] failed to setup programming aiseed@ThinkPad-T15g:~/Downloads/1.1.2-M0054-14.1a-FLAT-V3/ufs$
RE: collision prevention problem
@thomas @Eric-Katzfey Although I haven't looked at the logs of VOXL2 and PX4 before, I will try to read them and identify the issues. Additionally, while conducting collision prevention, I would like to understand the range of obstacles detected in the image and the parameters which can adjust it when the drone is flying forward. Currently, I am considering modifying the code based on this range so that the exposure parameters can be automatically adjusted based on the brightness changes within the range. Would this approach be able to improve the exposure issues in collision prevention?
collision prevention problem
@Eric-Katzfey We are conducting outdoor tests for collision prevention using the M0015 stereo camera. The main parameters we adjusted include ae_desired_msv in voxl-camera-server.conf and blur_size, post_median_size, and cost_threshold in voxl-dfs-server.conf. However, we have encountered some issues that have led to subpar performance in collision prevention. The problems are as follows:
- The influence of lighting conditions such as backlighting, glare, etc., can cause the stereo camera to malfunction and make it challenging to find a set of parameters that work well in all situations.
- When the drone stops in front of an obstacle, sometimes it suddenly moves forward a short distance and then stops again. I suspect it may be due to the drone's body offset or lighting conditions causing a momentary failure in obstacle detection by the stereo camera.
- Would higher resolution cameras better capture obstacle features and thus improve the effectiveness of collision prevention?
Regarding the above issues, do you have any suggestions or ideas? Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Below are the parameters I'm currently using.
RE: Issue with Microhard IP configuration.
@tom I had the same idea, so I directly installed Mavproxy and related packages on VOXL2, and successfully resolved the issue with the serial library. However, when running the service, I still couldn't import the Python files related to Mavproxy. Even adding the paths of those Python files to the environment variables didn't solve the problem.
RE: Issue with Microhard IP configuration.
@tom Yes, it can run normally
RE: Issue with Microhard IP configuration.
@tom I'll need to confirm tomorrow, but I believe I have it installed because I can manually run from the command line. However, when executing it automatically with a script in the system, I encounter the aforementioned issue.