We are having a hard time reproducing your issue on our end. Here are the steps we took in order to connect to QGroundControl (Mobile - iPhone) Version 4.0.10
Setup wifi on RB5 by modifying the /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf with our wifi, rebooting the RB5, and connecting our mobile device to the same network which we had setup on the RB5 Open QGroundControl on our mobile device and wait for a connectionFollowing these steps we were able to successfully connect. If these steps were also taken on your end then we think there may be a UDP broadcasting conflict that is causing the issue. We can troubleshoot this by having you make some modifications to your full-m0052.config file on target.
You'll want to disable MAV_BROADCAST as well as add your Iphone's IP in the /etc/modalai/full-m0052.config file on target. Configure this file in the appropriate section so it looks as follows:
# This is needed for altitude and position hold modes flight_mode_manager start # Add this line to disable MAV_BROADCAST param set MAV_BROADCAST 0 # Edit this line to add your phones IP mavlink start -x -u 14557 -r 40000 -t <Iphone IP> mavlink start -u 14556 -t -n lo -m custom sleep 1 mavlink stream -u 14557 -s HIGHRES_IMU -r 5 mavlink stream -u 14557 -s ATTITUDE -r 5 mavlink stream -u 14557 -s RC_CHANNELS -r 20 sleep 1Make sure to fill in the IP with your mobile phones IP. On an IPhone you can get the IP by going to settings>Wi-Fi and clicking the info button on your network. After configuring these parameters reboot your RB5 and open the QGC application on the mobile phone and see if the issue is still present.
Thank you for being patient with us. If needed, we can also arrange a phone call to try and further troubleshoot this issue.