I will have a look.
This is very randomly happening...
I changed power source (battery, wall power), but it is working well now...
Is there any way to check GPU usage on VOXL2?
I will have a look.
This is very randomly happening...
I changed power source (battery, wall power), but it is working well now...
Is there any way to check GPU usage on VOXL2?
I have the rebooting issue with a VOXL2 flight deck with Microhard radio.
I have tested with 5G board (M0090-3-01) as well. I connected a USB3 ethernet adapter on the 5G board to communicate with my laptop through ethernet cable. The same issue happened.
When I directly powered the system by using a power supply (5V) without a power module, it did not show any rebooting issue....
I am still figuring out, so please let me know what I need to try...
Thanks for the information. What kind of USB3 add-on will work for this?
I am following https://docs.modalai.com/voxl2-usb3-uart-add-on-user-guide/
I have a samsung usb storage (https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/memory-storage/usb-flash-drives/usb-3-0-flash-drive-bar-32gb-muf-32ba-muf-32ba-am/)
formatted as Ext4
. But no detected usb storage on VOXL2.
The connection is exactly the same as the example.
voxl2:/$ lsusb -t
/: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci-hcd/1p, 10000M
/: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci-hcd/1p, 480M
Version of VOXL2
voxl2:/$ voxl-version
system-image: 1.7.8-M0054-14.1a-perf
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 17 23:29:23 UTC 2024 4.19.125
hw platform: M0054
mach.var: 1.0.0
voxl-suite: 1.3.1
Any thought?
Thank you for the information. Now I understood about the parameters and numbers.
Regarding IMX214 (https://www.modalai.com/products/msu-m0025-2) + M0036 cable (https://www.modalai.com/products/m0036),
it is working without M0036 cable. (hires and tracking cameras are connected only with M0084 (https://www.modalai.com/collections/accessories/products/msu-m0084)
You are correct. The camera IS detected using
voxl-camera-server -l but does not stream any images
I can see the detected cameras with voxl-camera-server -l
DEBUG: Cam idx: 0, Cam slot: 2, Slave Address: 0x00E2, Sensor Id: 0x7750
DEBUG: Cam idx: 1, Cam slot: 3, Slave Address: 0x0020, Sensor Id: 0x0214
DEBUG: Note: This list comes from the HAL module and may not be indicative
DEBUG: of configurations that have full pipelines
DEBUG: Number of cameras: 2
Cam idx: 0
is tracking, and Cam idx: 1
is IMX214
But I cannot see the output of hires camera with M0036 cable.
| Pipe Name | bytes | wide | hgt |exp(ms)| gain | frame id |latency(ms)| fps | mbps | format
| hires_large_color |
| hires_large_encoded |
| hires_large_grey |
| hires_small_color |
| hires_small_encoded |
| hires_small_grey |
| hires_snapshot |
| qvio_overlay | 368640 | 640 | 576 | 4.75 | 51 | 15635 | 35.0 | 30.0 | 88.5 | RAW8
| tflite |
| tracking | 307200 | 640 | 480 | 4.75 | 51 | 15636 | 11.6 | 30.0 | 73.7 | RAW8
Any thought?
One more question.
I found imx214
with M0036
cable is not working.
I thought it is just a cable.
I do not have any knowledge, could you please why it is not working with a cable?
Thanks in advance.
I have replaced the built-in hires camera with IMX412 camera (https://www.modalai.com/collections/all/products/msu-m0107?variant=45747768557872).
I used M0036 cable as well, and it worked.
This is my voxl-camera-server.conf
for the setting
"version": 0.1,
"cameras": [{
"type": "ov7251",
"name": "tracking",
"enabled": true,
"camera_id": 0,
"fps": 30,
"en_rotate": false,
"en_preview": true,
"preview_width": 640,
"preview_height": 480,
"en_raw_preview": true,
"ae_mode": "lme_msv",
"ae_desired_msv": 60,
"exposure_min_us": 20,
"exposure_max_us": 33000,
"gain_min": 54,
"gain_max": 8000,
"exposure_soft_min_us": 5000,
"ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858,
"ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224,
"ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806,
"ae_exposure_period": 1,
"ae_gain_period": 1
}, {
"type": "imx412",
"name": "hires",
"enabled": true,
"camera_id": 1,
"fps": 30,
"en_preview": false,
"preview_width": 640,
"preview_height": 480,
"en_raw_preview": false,
"en_small_video": true,
"small_video_width": 1024,
"small_video_height": 768,
"small_venc_mode": "h265",
"small_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp",
"small_venc_Qfixed": 30,
"small_venc_Qmin": 15,
"small_venc_Qmax": 40,
"small_venc_nPframes": 9,
"small_venc_mbps": 2,
"en_large_video": true,
"large_video_width": 4056,
"large_video_height": 3040,
"large_venc_mode": "h265",
"large_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp",
"large_venc_Qfixed": 38,
"large_venc_Qmin": 15,
"large_venc_Qmax": 50,
"large_venc_nPframes": 29,
"large_venc_mbps": 30,
"en_snapshot": true,
"en_snapshot_width": 4056,
"en_snapshot_height": 3040,
"ae_mode": "isp"
By the way, I have a question regarding "camera_id" in /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf
I set up the camera with 04 - ov7251 tracking imx214 hires
and can see the "camera_id" 0
for the ov7251. For imx214, "camera_id" is set as 1
The camera connection is exactly same in the above photo (J7)
Isn't J7 port's "camera_id" 2
and 3
as described in https://docs.modalai.com/voxl2-image-sensors/#sdk-110-system-image-17x?
I would like to know what is the correct "camera_id" for the (ov7251+imx214) and (ov7251+imx412).
Also, I was wondering if the photo posted on the website was correct.
THank you for the info.
I am using VOXL2 flight deck... I never touched the PX4....
What I found just before is /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.conf
, then I was able to see PX4 parameter SENS_EN_SF0X
in QGC. I set it as LW20/c
But I cannot see the rangefinder data in QGC MAVLink Inspector
One more question,
Is there any other way to use LW20 instead of i2c?