@Alex-Kushleyev Great, I'll be updating with how the tests go
Latest posts made by jcai
RE: OV64B Configuration
RE: IMX412 Colour
Update: the filter was absolutely the difference maker
RE: QUP0 i2c access on VOXL2 mini
The linux user guide says that i2c0 is on J7, but the connectors page only has i2c4 on pins 34/36. Could you confirm the correct bus and pin numbers here? I'm assuming i2c4 was on an older system image, in which case are the correct pins still 34/36?Also, turns out we're only using one camera so J7 will be free. As for QUP0, that makes sense, thanks
QUP0 i2c access on VOXL2 mini
Sort of a 2-part question:
On a VOXL2 mini, if I have both an M0155 and an M0181 on J6 and J7, is there any way to access i2c-0 on J7? I'm assuming if the coax adapter is on J7, there's no way to break out the i2c pins?
If not, then my other option is to use QUP0 on J19. I'm not running px4. Is it possible to somehow use that i2c bus from the apps proc? I've looked at
and there doesn't seem to be anything for that. There's functions for accessing slpi UARTs, but only one port at a time?Thanks
RE: VOXL2 vlan
@modaltb As far as I can tell, I'm building a perf kernel. These are my changes:
I've added the following lines to
And then building:
./qrb5165-build.sh -m M0054
RE: IMX412 Colour
@Alex-Kushleyev Thanks for the info. For now, we're going to swap the sensor for one with the filter to see how it performs. I'll be updating results here
RE: VOXL2 vlan
@Alex-Kushleyev To be sure, I cleaned the workspace and rebuilt the docker image as well. I re-synced, ensuring that the tag for the repos is v1.8.02. My voxl is also on SDK 1.4
Is this behaviour reproducible?
RE: IMX412 Colour
@Alex-Kushleyev I've tried the other driver, and the result looks largely the same. It's a bit brighter. (Cropped for file size)
My sensor indeed doesn't have the IR filter.
IMX412 Colour
Hi, I have a single IMX412 connected to M0173 J5 on a VOXL2.
is the only sensormodule file I have in/usr/lib/camera
.This is my camera server config file:
/** * voxl-camera-server Configuration File * * Each camera has configurations for up to 4 HAL3 streams: * - `preview` stream for raw unprocessed images from CV cameras * - `small_video` 720p (ish) h264/h265 compressed for fpv video streaming * - `large_video` 4k (ish) h264/h265 for onboard video recording to disk * - `snapshot` ISP-processed JPG snapshots that get saved to disk * * on QRB5165 platforms (VOXL2 and VOXL2 mini) you can only have 3 of the 4 enabled * * This file is generated from default values by voxl-configure-cameras. * Do not expect arbitrary resolutions to work, the ISP and video compression * pipelines only support very specific resolutions. * * The default video compression mode is cqp or Constant Quantization Parameter * * * */ { "version": 0.1, "fsync_en": true, "fsync_gpio": 109, "cameras": [{ "type": "imx412", "name": "hires_front", "enabled": true, "camera_id": 0, "fps": 30, "en_preview": false, "preview_width": 640, "preview_height": 480, "en_raw_preview": false, "en_small_video": true, "small_video_width": 640, "small_video_height": 480, "small_venc_mode": "h265", "small_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp", "small_venc_Qfixed": 30, "small_venc_Qmin": 15, "small_venc_Qmax": 40, "small_venc_nPframes": 9, "small_venc_mbps": 2, "en_large_video": false, "large_video_width": 4056, "large_video_height": 3040, "large_venc_mode": "h265", "large_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp", "large_venc_Qfixed": 38, "large_venc_Qmin": 15, "large_venc_Qmax": 50, "large_venc_nPframes": 29, "large_venc_mbps": 30, "en_snapshot": false, "en_snapshot_width": 4056, "en_snapshot_height": 3040, "exif_focal_length": 3.0999999046325684, "exif_focal_length_in_35mm_format": 17, "exif_fnumber": 1.2400000095367432, "ae_mode": "isp" }] }
The issue I'm having has to do with the colour of the video. Indoors, the image looks fine but outdoors, there's a red tint that I can't seem to get rid of. I'm using
currently, but I've also played around withlme_msv
, to not much improvement. Is this behaviour normal?