We are experiencing issues with voxl-px4. We notice on our GCS that we are constantly gaining and loosing rc connection and the mavlink telemetry stream is extremely laggy.
We seem to be observing strange behavior with tasks running on o observing strange behavior with tasks running on our DSP. If we start PX4 from a cold boot, it never works correctly, and we see sensor timeouts printing on the output of voxl-px4 from the SLPI shown in the console output below.
Even more strange is that when we plug in a usbc cable to our voxl2 and run mini-dm the problem seems to go away. After mini-dm is run once we are able to stop and start px4 with no issue. Once we power cycle our voxl then the problem returns until we plug in and run mini-dm again.
We are running a slightly modified version of this commit of px4.
it is the commit that is tagged in the voxl-px4 sdkv1.1.1 tag.
this is the voxl2 sku info
root@microUAS1:~/mav_ws# voxl-inspect-sku
family code: MCCA-M0054 (voxl2-board-only)
compute board: 4 (voxl2)
hw version: 1
cam config: 8
SKU: MCCA-M0054-C8
we are also using the voxl2io board which we believe has the legacy firmware (red light with blinking blue light) to communicate with our sbus reciever.
Do you all have any thoughts on what might be happening here?
here is what our GCS shows:

here is the console output from running
root@microUAS1:~/mav_ws# voxl-px4 -g -n -s
[INFO] Reading from /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.conf
Found DSP signature file
[INFO] GR-12L SBUS Reciever Selected
[INFO] MRO M9N with MAG IST8308 selected
[INFO] SDP3X airspeed sensor selected
[INFO] Daemon mode enabled
INFO [px4] mlockall() enabled. PX4's virtual address space is locked into RAM.
INFO [px4] assuming working directory is rootfs, no symlinks needed.
INFO [muorb] Got muorb init command
Sending initialization request
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
Got topic data before configuration complete
INFO [muorb] SLPI: muorb aggregator thread running
INFO [muorb] muorb protobuf initalize method succeeded
INFO [muorb] succesfully did ADVERTISE_TEST_TYPE
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread test_MUORB
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_test_MUORB with tid 2097656
INFO [muorb] succesfully did SUBSCRIBE_TEST_TYPE
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread test_MUORB
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_test_MUORB with tid 2097655
INFO [muorb] succesfully did TOPIC_TEST_TYPE
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread test_MUORB
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_test_MUORB with tid 2097654
INFO [muorb] succesfully did UNSUBSCRIBE_TEST_TYPE
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread test_MUORB
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_test_MUORB with tid 2097653
INFO [muorb] muorb test passed
______ __ __ ___
| ___ \ \ \ / / / |
| |_/ / \ V / / /| |
| __/ / \ / /_| |
| | / /^\ \ \___ |
\_| \/ \/ |_/
px4 starting.
INFO [px4] startup script: /bin/sh /usr/bin/voxl-px4-start 0
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic log_message
INFO [parameters] Starting param sync THREAD
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Starting param sync THREAD
RC: M0065_SBUS
Running on M0054
INFO [muorb] SLPI: before starting the qshell_entry task
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread qshell
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_qshell with tid 2097652
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell entry.....
INFO [muorb] SLPI: after starting the qshell_entry task
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Init app map initialized
INFO [param] selected parameter default file /data/px4/param/parameters
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_reset_request) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_reset_response) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic parameter_update
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_set_value_request) as advertised in process_remote_to
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(parameter_server_set_used_request) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(parameter_server_set_used_response) as advertised in process_remote_to
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_set_value_response) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [parameters] BSON document size 3367 bytes, decoded 3367 bytes (INT32:55, FLOAT:104)
INFO [logger] logger started (mode=all)
Starting IMU driver with no rotation
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: icm42688p start -s
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'icm42688p'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = '-s'
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'icm42688p start -s'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** SPI Device ID 0x26000a 2490378
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_accel
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_gyro
INFO [muorb] SLPI: ICM42688P::probe successful!
INFO [muorb] SLPI: on SPI bus 1
INFO [muorb] SLPI: icm42688p #0 on SPI bus 1
INFO [muorb] SLPI:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: >>> ICM42688P this: 3176d110
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: icm42688p start -s
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic qshell_retval
INFO [muorb] SLPI: >>> ICM42688P this: 3176d110
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 102630757, local time: 102636903
INFO [muorb] SLPI: >>> ICM42688P this: 3176d110
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Register interrupt b21d3164 e61f8ddc 3176d110
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_gyro_fifo
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_accel_fifo
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic imu_server
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'icp101xx start -I -b 5'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: icp101xx start -I -b 5
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'icp101xx'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = '-I'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg3 = '-b'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg4 = '5'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0xb76329 12018473
INFO [muorb] SLPI: icp101xx #0 on I2C bus 5
INFO [muorb] SLPI: address 0x63
INFO [muorb] SLPI:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: icp101xx start -I -b 5
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 102673513, local time: 102677483
Looking for qmc5883l magnetometer
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'qmc5883l start -R 0 -X -b 1'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: qmc5883l start -R 0 -X -b 1
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'qmc5883l'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = '-R'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg3 = '0'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg4 = '-X'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg5 = '-b'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg6 = '1'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x80d09 527625
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qmc5883l #0 on I2C bus 1
INFO [muorb] SLPI: (external)
INFO [muorb] SLPI: address 0xD
INFO [muorb] SLPI:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: qmc5883l start -R 0 -X -b 1
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 102734319, local time: 102738429
INFO [muorb] SLPI: >>> ICM42688P this: 3176d110
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'gps start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: gps start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'gps'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread gps
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_gps with tid 2097648
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: gps start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 102790110, local time: 102791873
Looking for ncp5623c RGB LED
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'rgbled_ncp5623c'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = '-X'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg3 = '-b'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg4 = '1'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg5 = '-f'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg6 = '400'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg7 = '-a'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg8 = '56'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_mag
INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x7b3809 8075273
INFO [muorb] SLPI: rgbled_ncp5623c #0 on I2C bus 1
INFO [muorb] SLPI: (external)
INFO [muorb] SLPI: address 0x38
INFO [muorb] SLPI:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 102875392, local time: 102878649
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_baro
Starting VOXL ESC driver
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'voxl_esc start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: voxl_esc start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'voxl_esc'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_outputs
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: voxl_esc start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Opened UART ESC device
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 103031754, local time: 103033825
Attempting to start M0065 SBUS RC driver for original M0065 FW
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic esc_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: dsp_sbus start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'dsp_sbus'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'dsp_sbus start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread dsp_sbus_main
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_dsp_sbus_main with tid 2097645
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: dsp_sbus start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 103092449, local time: 103095538
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic input_rc
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'voxlpm start -X -b 2'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: voxlpm start -X -b 2
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'voxlpm'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = '-X'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg3 = '-b'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg4 = '2'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0xd24411 13779985
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Set i2c address 0x6a, fd 3
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Set i2c address 0x44, fd 3
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic battery_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: voxlpm #0 on I2C bus 2
INFO [muorb] SLPI: (external)
INFO [muorb] SLPI: address 0x44
INFO [muorb] SLPI:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: voxlpm start -X -b 2
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic power_monitor
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 103159043, local time: 103161281
starting sdp3x
INFO [muorb] SLPI: u-blox firmware version: SPG 4.04
INFO [muorb] SLPI: u-blox protocol version: 32.01
INFO [muorb] SLPI: u-blox module: NEO-M9N
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'sdp3x start -X -a 0x21 -b 4'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: sdp3x start -X -a 0x21 -b 4
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'sdp3x'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = '-X'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg3 = '-a'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg4 = '0x21'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg5 = '-b'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg6 = '4'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x4a2121 4858145
INFO [muorb] SLPI: sdp3x #0 on I2C bus 4
INFO [muorb] SLPI: (external)
INFO [muorb] SLPI: address 0x21
INFO [muorb] SLPI:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: sdp3x start -X -a 0x21 -b 4
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 103212466, local time: 103214889
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic differential_pressure
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'sensors start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: sensors start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'sensors'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_selection
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensors_status_imu
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_acceleration
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_angular_velocity
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_combined
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_air_data
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Timeout waiting for parameter_server_set_used_response for SENS_GPS_MASK
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_gps_position
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensors_status_baro
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_magnetometer
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_preflight_mag
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_imu
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_imu_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: sensors start
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensors_status_mag
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 103496668, local time: 103505109
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic airspeed
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: ekf2 start
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'ekf2 start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'ekf2'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic sensor_gps
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_attitude
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_local_position
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_event_flags
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_innovation_test_ratios
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_innovation_variances
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_innovations
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_sensor_bias
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_states
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_status_flags
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: ekf2 start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 103856924, local time: 103862916
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic ekf2_timestamps
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_odometry
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_baro_hgt
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_fake_pos
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_fake_hgt
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_mag_heading
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_mag
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_gravity
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic estimator_aid_src_airspeed
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_pos_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_pos_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'mc_pos_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic takeoff_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_pos_control start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104032898, local time: 104035892
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_att_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_att_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'mc_att_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_att_control start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104111040, local time: 104112332
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_rate_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_rate_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'mc_rate_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic rate_ctrl_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_rate_control start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104259148, local time: 104261585
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_hover_thrust_estimator start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_hover_thrust_estimator start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'mc_hover_thrust_estimator'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_hover_thrust_estimator start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104344496, local time: 104346060
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_autotune_attitude_control start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_autotune_attitude_control start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'mc_autotune_attitude_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic autotune_attitude_control_status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_autotune_attitude_control start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104414886, local time: 104418065
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'land_detector start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: land_detector start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'land_detector'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: land_detector start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104496547, local time: 104497727
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_land_detected
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'manual_control start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: manual_control start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'manual_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: manual_control start
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic manual_control_setpoint
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104569964, local time: 104571796
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'control_allocator start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: control_allocator start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'control_allocator'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic control_allocator_status
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(control_allocator_status) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_motors
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_servos
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_servos_trim
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: control_allocator start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104924910, local time: 104928529
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'load_mon start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: load_mon start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'load_mon'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: load_mon start
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic cpuload
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 104994040, local time: 104996985
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'vtol_att_control start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: vtol_att_control start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'vtol_att_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic flaps_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic spoilers_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vtol_vehicle_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_thrust_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_torque_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(vehicle_thrust_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(vehicle_torque_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: vtol_att_control start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 105128451, local time: 105136476
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'fw_rate_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: fw_rate_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'fw_rate_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(rate_ctrl_status) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: fw_rate_control start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 105278018, local time: 105281688
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'fw_att_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: fw_att_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'fw_att_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: fw_att_control start vtol
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic landing_gear_wheel
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 105379888, local time: 105387644
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'fw_pos_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: fw_pos_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'fw_pos_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_controls_status_1
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic position_controller_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic position_controller_landing_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic tecs_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic launch_detection_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic landing_gear
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(flaps_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(spoilers_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: fw_pos_control start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 105719884, local time: 105723062
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'fw_autotune_attitude_control start vtol'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: fw_autotune_attitude_control start vtol
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'fw_autotune_attitude_control'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg2 = 'vtol'
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(autotune_attitude_control_status) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: fw_autotune_attitude_control start vtol
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 105788032, local time: 105790087
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'airspeed_selector start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: airspeed_selector start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'airspeed_selector'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic airspeed_validated
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic airspeed_wind
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(airspeed_wind) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: airspeed_selector start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 105909388, local time: 105911596
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'rc_update start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: rc_update start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'rc_update'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: rc_update start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 106355536, local time: 106357417
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic rc_channels
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: commander start
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'commander start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'commander'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating pthread commander
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_commander with tid 2097639
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic manual_control_input
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic manual_control_switches
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic action_request
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: commander start
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic led_control
INFO [muorb] SLPI: LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22)
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic tune_control
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 106650894, local time: 106653867
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic event
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic mavlink_log
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Preflight Fail: No connection to the ground control station
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic health_report
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic failsafe_flags
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_armed
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_control_mode
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_thrust_setpoint_virtual_mc
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_thrust_setpoint_virtual_fw
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_torque_setpoint_virtual_fw
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_torque_setpoint_virtual_mc
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(flaps_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(spoilers_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic failure_detector_status
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic mc_virtual_attitude_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_rates_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_attitude_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_local_position_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(mc_virtual_attitude_setpoint) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'flight_mode_manager start'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: flight_mode_manager start
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'flight_mode_manager'
INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'start'
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_command
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: flight_mode_manager start
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 106931567, local time: 106935102
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic trajectory_setpoint
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic vehicle_constraints
INFO [dataman] data manager file '/data/px4/dataman' size is 7866640 bytes
/usr/bin/voxl-px4-start: line 234: px4-modal_io_bridge: command not found
/usr/bin/voxl-px4-start: line 237: microdds_client: command not found
no dds namespace set
using DOM ID: 1
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic transponder_report
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic rtl_time_estimate
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic position_setpoint_triplet
INFO [mavlink] mode: Onboard, data rate: 100000 B/s on udp port 14556 remote port 14557
INFO [uORB] Advertising remote topic actuator_controls_status_0
INFO [mavlink] partner IP:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic telemetry_status
INFO [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 100000 B/s on udp port 14558 remote port 14559
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic timesync_status
INFO [mavlink] MAVLink only on localhost (set param MAV_{i}_BROADCAST = 1 to enable network)
INFO [px4] Startup script returned successfully
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic obstacle_distance
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic offboard_control_mode
INFO [mavlink] partner IP:
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(telemetry_status) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(mavlink_log) as advertised in process_remote_topic
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Accel #0 fail: TIMEOUT!
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(mavlink_log) as advertised in process_remote_topic
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: MAG #0 failed: TIMEOUT!
INFO [uORB] Marking DeviceNode(landing_gear) as advertised in process_remote_topic
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(vehicle_command_ack) as advertised in process_remote_topic
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Accel #0 fail: TIMEOUT!
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: MAG #0 failed: TIMEOUT!
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Accel #0 fail: TIMEOUT!
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: MAG #0 failed: TIMEOUT!
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic ping
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Accel #0 fail: TIMEOUT!
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: MAG #0 failed: TIMEOUT!
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Accel #0 fail: TIMEOUT!
ERROR [muorb] SLPI: MAG #0 failed: TIMEOUT!
PX4 Exiting...
Exiting NOW.