@Zachary-Lowell-0 Sorry for the late response! Apologies if that was confusing. Yes, the latter: I am trying to stream ros2 packets from the voxl2 to my computer. They are connected to the same WiFi network, and my computer can see the list of mpa-to-ros topics created by the voxl2 when I do "ros2 topic list", but it can't actually echo the data being published. In terms of setup, I was under the impression that with ros2, the two devices (the voxl2 and the computer) just have to be connected to the same network (in this case, WiFi), and then I should be able to stream data without issue.
The raspberry pi was to provide a sanity check. Instead of streaming the voxl2's ros2 data to my computer, I tried doing it with a simple ros2 node on the pi. When using the pi, my computer was able to see the ros2 topic data just fine. The idea there was the same as with the voxl2 + my computer; my computer and the pi were on the same WiFi network but with the pi I could stream ros2 data to my computer without a hitch. So I think something's wrong with how my voxl2 is configured to stream ros2 topic data, but I'm not sure what it is.