VOXL on Intel-Galileo & Pixhawk Cube
Can I -in a way- replicate the whole voxl-project to run on Yocto built for Galileo and connect a pixhawk cube running PX4 to it?
I've Ordered a Flight Deck, and I really like the idea of embedded linux (yocto) I want to build it until I get my Flight Deck . -
Hi @Ador ,
I honestly don't know, but its been fairly tricky to get the current build working! Maybe you could describe what you're trying to accomplish and perhaps there's another path.
In general, you'd likely want to be working in the Linux user space with applications rather than at the bitbake level, but I'm not sure your use case.
There is no way to get it running on Galileo. It is a completely different board, processor architecture, etc.
@modaltb I was trying to bake yocto for galileo or raspberry pi and run the voxl project inside it, it'll act like VOXL, then connect pixhawk 2.1 to the board via telem2, in combined will be like VOXL Flight, this seemed like a doable idea, right?
Hi @Ador ,
Unfortunately it's not that straight forward. Most of the code won't be portable, the first candidates to be ported would be from here: https://gitlab.com/voxl-public/core-libs
The system image (what Yocto is building) has many hardware dependent items, and we aren't pulling the application layer in during the bitbake process, rather later on we install on top.
As an example, part of our software stack run on Hexagon DSP processor (a MAVLink parser) which wouldn't exist on RPi etc so it wouldn't work.