Imu_apps Gyro Error on VOXL2
Is there anyone can help me?
@maoyuanchao is the vehicle 'flat' on a table? even the accel values in Y and Z aren't what I would expect.
I've seen issues with gyro (say after a very hard crash) in which the MEMs internals get messed up (think of them as a hair comb looking structure that measure capacitance at the smallest of levels) and these comb structures are cracked, but the values aren't nice "0.00" rather noisy....
posted as admin on accident, in fact x/y/z accel look a little iffy as well.... This could be a potentially damaged IMU. We validate the IMUs in factory test before shipping. If you have a serial number from the sticker on the VOXL2 I can check factory test data.
The vehicle was not flat when the test-snapshot token. But the gyro datas still keep zeros when I lay it flat on the table.I was doing the stereo cameras calibration then and mounted as follow:
Hi @modaltb ,
I have reflash the system image of ver 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 for tests before, but both of them reproduce the same problem.
Is there any tests to make sure whether the imu_apps hardware is broken? -
@modaltb said in Imu_apps Gyro Error on VOXL2:
posted as admin on accident, in fact x/y/z accel look a little iffy as well.... This could be a potentially damaged IMU. We validate the IMUs in factory test before shipping. If you have a serial number from the sticker on the VOXL2 I can check factory test data.
Hi @modaltb ,the serial number is M23000002PC.
Hi @modaltb ,
More information:
The imu worked normally a few days ago util I reflash the system image with a family-num of 17(I don't know which one to choose). Is it possible this issue caused by reflashing with a wrong sku? My dev kit is MDK-M0054-1-C3, which sku should I choose? Or there are any other steps to do after reflash? -
OK all shipped ok.
Above looks good with flat on table test results...
Here's factory test data which shows OK:
2024-05-03T22:01:18.648Z -- {"desc": "IMU1 - APPS PROC - OK", "GYRO_X": 1.001, "GYRO_Y": 0.998, "GYRO_Z": 0.994, "ACCL_X": 0.99, "ACCL_Y": 0.987, "ACCL_Z": 0.957, "FAILURES": []} 2024-05-03T22:01:19.361Z -- {"desc": "IMU0 - SLPI ACCEL - OK", "ACCL_X": 0.11492, "ACCL_Y": 0.20016, "ACCL_Z": 9.89428, "FAILURES": ""} 2024-05-03T22:01:19.960Z -- {"desc": "IMU0 - SLPI GYRO - OK", "GYRO_X": 0.02435, "GYRO_Y": 0.03108, "GYRO_Z": 0.00174, "FAILURES": ""}
If it passes flat on table I think things are OK and it's a result of expecting certain tests to run in this flat orientation during factory test.