Send ESDF/TSDF information from voxl-mapper to ROS2
Hi Modalai,
Currently, I have the voxl mapper running, but when I run voxl_mpa_to_ros2. I see that only voxl_mapper_aligned_ptcloud is brought over to ROS2 because the interface for voxl_mpa_to_ros2 only has a pointcloud interface. What sort of interface would be needed to be made for the voxl_mapper_costmap to ROS2 or is there a certain guide. Also would it be possible to expose either the TSDF/ESDF from voxl-mapper to the MPA and then bring it to ROS2?
@Jeffrey-Mao voxl-mapper leverages voxlblox. You could look at their ROS implementation and try to port it over
@Moderator Right I think that is a bit too difficult.
I just edited the voxl-mapper library to send the pointcloud and it works now to get the map in ROS2 with the mpa_ros2 interface. It is a bit weird that you guys have this esdf publish pipe as a pointcloud but it doesn't seem exposed naturally
void TsdfServer::publishEsdfPointcloud(){ std::vector<point_xyz_i> esdf_ptcloud; voxblox::Layer<voxblox::EsdfVoxel> *layer_ptr = esdf_map_->getEsdfLayerPtr(); createDistancePointcloudFromEsdfLayer(*layer_ptr, esdf_ptcloud); // intensity ptcloud for distance point_cloud_metadata_t esdf_meta; esdf_meta.magic_number = POINT_CLOUD_MAGIC_NUMBER; esdf_meta.timestamp_ns = rc_nanos_monotonic_time(); esdf_meta.n_points = esdf_ptcloud.size(); esdf_meta.format = POINT_CLOUD_FORMAT_FLOAT_XYZC; pipe_server_write_point_cloud(COSTMAP_CH, esdf_meta,; }