QGC Not detecting Orqa Controller with UberLite-24 Ghost module
I am trying to do the very first flight with my Sentinel Drone. Along with the drone, in the kit, I received an ORQA Controller with an ImmersionRC UberLite-24 Ghost module installed in the back.
The Controller seems to be bound with the receiver in the drone because when the controller is not on, the receiver's led is bright red, but when I turn the controller on, the led on the controller turns a greenish yellow color. This seems like a good sign.
I am connecting the drone to QGC over wifi and I can see that the gyro and camera feeds are visible to QGC in this way. Also a good sign. However, QGC tells me that I am "Not Ready" because I have no manual control input.
Additionally, when I go to the radio tab in QGC to try to calibrate the controller, I cannot see any responses from me manually moving the sticks on the controller.
I thought that these drones were flown before getting shipped out, so if this was the case, it should just work, right?
Do I need a Spektrum receiver to fly the drone? Perhaps I need a sim car to connect the drone with 5G? What am I missing here?
I haven't even done the first flight yet and I am stumped.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@ggiacalone Yes, this will have been flown before shipping. Any chance the Receiver was knocked loose somehow? Your description implies maybe a connection issue?
Can you grab a screenshot of the QGC RC configuration? Maybe the protocol was changed somehow?