External vision pose with voxl2
I am using my voxl2 with vision hub module. I am able to fly in position and offboard sending control input via MAVROS.
However, now I am trying to send a custom localization to the voxl2 using MAVROS. In classical px4 architectures, after set up the ekf2 parameters (https://docs.px4.io/v1.12/en/ros/external_position_estimation.html) I just publish on the /mavros/vision_pose/pose topic to have the new position updated. However now seems that this position is ignored and I have the following doubts:1 - The ekf2_ev parameters is correctly set and on local_position_ned the position received is the one of the vio module. Who publishes that information, since the /mavros/vision_pose/pose topic is empty?
2 - Is there a way to listen directly to the /mavros/vision_pose/pose topic?