RPM control
@jenyeom ,
As i just mentioned above, i will repeat again
use latest voxl-esc tools from dev branch : https://gitlab.com/voxl-public/voxl-sdk/utilities/voxl-esc/-/tree/dev/voxl-esc-tools
You should recover the ESC to the latest state and then if you want to go back to older firmware and params, i can tell you how to do it properly.
Once you recover to the newest firmware, before going to the old firmware, i would suggest that we figure out if you used wrong ESC params in the recent tests. So if you had old params, did you upload them after the ESC firmware was updated to version 39?
Also, if you are using very old SDK on VOXL2, the uart bridge may not be working 100% properly.
When in doubt, the best thing to do is to connect to the ESC using a serial to usb adapter going directly to a Linux PC (and run
tools on the PC). do you have that available?