Cable for Flight Core V2 PX4 Debugging J2
I am having an issue finding the cable for Flight Core V2 PX4 debugging. Not sure if it came with it and I misplaced it, or if I have to get it separate. Either way it looks like I need to get one.
I see it is a BM08B-SRSS-TB header, but is there a cable/link that is suggested where I can buy a cable. Quick amazon search is not returning anything
From @travis
"we kinda hand build them at this point with some JST cables and STLink and USB to serial device like this:"
The link to the female connector is here:[…]2sbclI2iQCvHajkqP1E7MLa1XKD7Of4dxyMszxqA85NUGEIhoCCu8QAvD_BwE
And the pre-crimped cables are here:
If you just want access to the Nuttx Shell you can just do the "Serial to USB" part of the diagram (I believe that is through an FTDI cable), but if you want access to debug the code using GDB, use the upper part (in which case you will need an STLink device).