Unable to ADB into VOXL2
I am unable to ADB into VOXL 2. I am using a usb c cable which I use for charging my smart phone and data transfer. I am able to connect with VOXL 2 in soft ap mode.
@Darshit-Desai What OS is on the host PC? If Ubuntu, what does lsusb show?
@tom Here's what I see on the 2 USB ports when I plug in starling
@Darshit-Desai It looks as though the device isn't being detected by the host OS at all. Are you running ubuntu natively or in a virtual machine?
I would also try different cable / port combos
@tom it worked with a different cable thanks
@Darshit-Desai I have another post about starling drone radio transmitter? Can you answer that for me too?