RC compatibility
First of all, the Starling is amazing!According to this FrSky receivers are not yet compatible with the Voxl2 board. Is that correct?
if yes, is this valid for both J19 (default spi/uart) and the usb expansion board connected to J5?
@tiralonghipol That is correct. VOXL2 does not support SBUS. However, the VOXL2 IO expansion board (M0065) does support SBUS and can be connected to the normal RC UART port on VOXL2 (J19 pins 10 and 11). PX4 software in SDK 1.0.0 does not yet support this use case but we have implemented and are currently testing this support right now and hope to announce availability in the next couple of weeks.
@Eric-Katzfey awesome, thank you!