How to upload a .py routine to the m500?
Hi, I'm completely new with drones and programming. I've been reading a lot of documentation regarding the m500. I've been able to connect it to QGroundControl via WiFi. I have installed and tested JMAVSim (I'm currently using Windows). I've succesfully run the "" file (with some adjustments) into the default JMAVSim virtual drone. Now, what I would like to do is run the same file but with the actual m500 drone. Is this possible? I haven't been able to connect it or execute this line of the code:
await drone.connect(system_address="udp://:14540")
even though the drone is already connected to QGC via WiFi. Also, before everything, am I in the right pad for creating routines for the m500? Is Python convenient? What is the way to do this with the most documentation, resources and scope?
Thank you! Hope you can help!
If you're interested in Python and MAV SDK, you should start here: