Jittering issue with VOXL Flight Deck
During flight, the vehicle will jitter sporadically resulting in unstable flight performance. So far this has been the case with 2 different VOXL Flight Decks on 2 different air frames.
The first air frame was an S500 that seemingly jittered itself out of alignment and caused a flyaway. This required a disarm and resulted in major damages to the vehicle. The second frame is a S550 hexacopter that suffers from the same jittering. I have yet to try and fly it more than a few feet in order to avoid another catastrophic failure.
Here is a link to the video of the vehicle demonstrating the jittering as well as the flight log from that flight.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qpf8b7SfiQASRapk-oUV_BNncVn3OTNh/view?usp=sharingAny advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
It looks like it may need some tuning. Have you tried working through the PID tuning process?
https://docs.px4.io/main/en/config_mc/pid_tuning_guide_multicopter.htmlAlso, you could put some foam under the main plate of the flight deck. there might be some extra wobble in the roll direction on that setup.
Looks like the foam did the trick. No amount of tuning was able to stabilize the oscillations. The only issue with adding the foam was the FC reported "High Accelerometer Bias" which I was able to circumvent by loosening the tolerance by changing the COM_ARM_EKF_AB parameter. After all of that, the vehicle was rock steady