@Bernhard @James-Strawson @Zachary-Lowell-0 @Alex-Kushleyev @nuallaino
I have a brand new Starling 2 Max (received 3 days ago), and I'm having the same problem described by nuallaino and Bernhard (no GPS even when outside for a long time).
My system info and results of px4-listener are pasted below.
I did unplug the Lepton 8-pin JST SH connector as suggested by James Strawson, but that had no effect.
Everything else seems to work fine (haven't tried 5G comm yet), but I'm hesitant to fly without GPS functioning properly, so at this point I'm stuck.
Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Thanks for your help !
system-image: 1.8.02-M0054-14.1a-perf
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 11 22:47:44 UTC 2024 4.19.125
hw platform: M0054
mach.var: 1.0.1
voxl-suite: 1.4.1
current IP: wlan0:
voxl2:~$ px4-listener sensor_gps
TOPIC: sensor_gps
timestamp: 841732144 (0.020669 seconds ago)
timestamp_sample: 0
time_utc_usec: 0
device_id: 11272245 (Type: 0xAC, SERIAL:6 (0x00))
lat: 0
lon: 0
alt: -17000
alt_ellipsoid: 0
s_variance_m_s: 999.00006
c_variance_rad: 3.14159
eph: 4294967.50000
epv: 3796926.25000
hdop: 99.99000
vdop: 99.99000
noise_per_ms: 64
jamming_indicator: 15
vel_m_s: 0.00000
vel_n_m_s: 0.00000
vel_e_m_s: 0.00000
vel_d_m_s: 0.00000
cog_rad: 0.00000
timestamp_time_relative: 0
heading: nan
heading_offset: 0.00000
heading_accuracy: 0.00000
rtcm_injection_rate: 0.00000
automatic_gain_control: 0
fix_type: 0
jamming_state: 0
spoofing_state: 1
vel_ned_valid: False
satellites_used: 0
selected_rtcm_instance: 0
voxl2:~$ px4-listener sensor_mag
TOPIC: sensor_mag
timestamp: 861420482 (0.006257 seconds ago)
timestamp_sample: 861420007 (475 us before timestamp)
device_id: 527625 (Type: 0x08, I2C:1 (0x0D))
x: -0.04417
y: -0.32142
z: 0.42167
temperature: nan
error_count: 0