Mpa to ros
I wrote a subscriber node to get the ‘data’ field of the ‘sensor_msgs/Img’ for rostopic ‘/tracking’. But not getting any output. I even tried echoing the topic, but still no output. Can someone explain the reason? The required services are already enabled and running.
If you rostopic list on your pc does it show any topic ?
@張為超 Yes it does. Voxl2 is the master. I am running the voxl mpa to ros node in voxl2 and then trying to echo the published topics in my PC.
I think you can use voxl protal first to check if the camera configure is okay, then use "rqt_image_view" in ros to check ros configure.
@張為超 It worked. I setup my Pc as the master this time, and it worked in that way.