Error while running hello_hal3_video / hello_hal3_tof
I am encountering below errors after running hello_hal3_video and hello_hal3_tof on the target respectively"hello_hal3_video: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64"
"hello_hal3_video: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64"
Could you suggest what might be the issue.
As noted on the README, this isn't supported on VOXL 2. Please refer to voxl-camera-server source code for how to access imagers using HAL3
@Chad-Sweet How do we enable video encoding/decoding for HiRes Camera (IMX412) and stream it over RTSP using voxl-camera-server and voxl portal combination?
For streaming over RTSP, please see our docs page on streaming over rtsp
Thanks @Alex-Gardner. I was able to do the streaming over rtsp. However the video appears grainy as well tinted in color when viewed in VLC.
![alt text]( image url)Also, we would like to do binning operation on the video, could you give us pointers how to go about the same.