HDMI Input Accessory
Need to purchase VOXL2-mini at volume for one of our new products, but just realized it have no HDMI capability, any suggestions?
We are running the camera at 4K: Sony FCB-ER8530/J 20x 4K
Our company is willing to pay extra for modified VOXL board to take HDMI or adapter.
@FIREBIRD We've used capture cards similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097D5CJ4T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
which can be used in combo with: https://gitlab.com/voxl-public/voxl-sdk/services/voxl-uvc-server
Can't say that it will work for sure with that specific camera but we have had success with other sony cameras in the past
@FIREBIRD It's hard to say without giving it a try. voxl-uvc-server will be able to detect the supported resolutions and framerates once you have it all connected
@tom This is the board they are trying to sell me for the camera: https://intertest.com/products/twiga-tv20-0008-4k-usb3-interface-board
Can't I just use the VOXL 2 mini USB3 input?
The Twiga TV20 0008 4K USB3 Interface Board provides an uncompressed, UVC-compliant video stream. A single USB3 cable will power, control, and stream 4K video on most devices with a USB3 port (single board computers, Nvidia platforms, or any PC using Windows or Linux OS).
@FIREBIRD Looks like it is a UVC camera so will likely work. May just take a bit of tweaking to voxl-uvc-server to get it to enumerate properly
@tom I noticed the camera has a Mini-HDMI output for camera feed as well. Can I convert this to USB-C and use J9 on the VOXL 2 mini?
@FIREBIRD No, J9 can't be used as USB input
@tom Here's my issue. I have two USB only devices, but the VOXL has only one USB port.
@FIREBIRD Do you have the option of using VOXL2 with ad add-on board that exposes more USB ports?
@tom Do you have a datasheet and pricing for that?
https://docs.modalai.com/voxl2-datasheets/M0130 add-on board (1 USB 3.0 + 2 USB 2.0s):