No valid data from Compass 0
I recently flashed my Sentinel drone and calibrated the Compass, Gyro, and Accelerometer.
All the Sensory data is Green, as can be seen below
However, after the first arming, I'm continuously receivingPreflight Fail: No valid data from Compass 0
, not allowing me to arm and fly again, as can be seen in the QGC Logs below.Please help.
@SMRazaRizvi Are you saying that you can arm and fly just fine but after landing you cannot attempt a second flight due to this error appearing? Does this happen every time you fly?
I figured that was because I was not getting the GPS signals inside the lab.
I don't get the compass error if I try to fly outside.
@SMRazaRizvi A compass (magnetometer) and a GPS receiver are two completely separate sensors. GPS reception won't affect the compass.