VOXL2 stop motors from beeping
Hello, with the VOXL1 m500s, I was advised to set "SYS_AUTOSTART" to 0 from 4001 to prevent full booting of the px4 stack and, hence, prevent the ESCs from beeping after a number of minutes.
With the VOXL2, using the VOXL2 I/O board and m500 ESCs and motors, setting SYS_AUTOSTART to 0 is probably not the best way to prevent the beeping as doing so results in difficulty connecting to QGroundcontrol in some cases and changing it back. In fact, it seems that when setting SYS_AUTOSTART to 0 and rebooting, the parameter seems to be erased entirely? What do folks do at ModalAI when working long term with a drone on the bench and want to prevent ESC beeping?