RB5 Flight Replacement ESC version?
We crashed our RB5 Flight a while ago and are only getting around to trying to fix it now. It impacted the ground pretty hard right over the ESC, and the ESC isn't beeping or indicating with LEDs when powering up, so I suspect that is the problem. Everything else on the drone works fine.
I see this https://www.modalai.com/products/voxl-esc?variant=44353436614960 online and am confused on the specific version we need for a replacement.Standard M0117
Disable Regen M0117
Standard M0134
Disable Regen M0134Out drone serial number is M2100000CUH. Our current ESC simply reads ESC Rev B 2020
Also, what does Disable Regen mean?
Thanks for any helpESC Rev B 2020
@Sam-Kiley You'll want the standard M0117