No PWM output change in stabilized flight mode
I have a new Voxl 2 setup in a run of the mill quadcopter frame. It's running the standard quadcopter mixer. Futaba receiver installed.
The current situation is all systems appear to be operating. RC signals are active and calibrated, ESC are calibrated, IMU are calibrated. GPS and MAG are disabled for flight and arming indoors.
When arming in Stabilized mode, the PWM output stays at minimum. Cycling the flight mode to Acro allows PWMs out to the motors as expected and reacts to RC inputs like normal. If you increase the throttle in Acro mode and switch back to Stabilized, the output PWMs stay at whatever they last were in Acro. Stabilized mode appears to be inputting in commands to keep it level, but is completely unresponsive to the RC controller. Arm, disarm, and flight mode changes work from the RC each time.
I'm hoping it's a simple setting somewhere I've missed but I'm at a loss. Thanks for any help
@Silvanskii VOXL 2 does not have PWM. How are you generating the PWM?
@Silvanskii Can you include a PX4 log?
@Eric-Katzfey I'll see if I can grab one here in a minute. Sorry, should mention it is going through a Voxl 2 IO board.