I'm trying HITL with gazebo. It would be appreciated if you could help me with these 2 questions.
I'm trying to make a mavlink connection directly to the serial port (not via voxl-vision-px4. I configured it to connect with QGC and ROS via mavros.).
In voxl-px4-hitl.config, I tried
mavlink start -d /dev/uart_esc -b 921600 -m onboard -r 80000
because it seems the ESC is using J18.
But running voxl-px4-hitl says
ERROR [mavlink] Device /dev/uart_esc does not exist
Which port should I put in the config?
I was working on the voxl-dev branch because px4-firmware submodule in voxl-px4 is pointing to the latest commit in voxl-dev branch.
But the HITL guide is using voxl-master branch. I succeeded to build the target in voxl-master:
DONT_RUN=1 make px4_sitl_default gazebo
But it fails in voxl-dev.
I wonder if it is supposed to work or not.
And I wonder if it is okay to run voxl-dev on VOXL2 for HITL.