My name is Mario Curtis and I’m currently helping a customer with on-board AI processing on small UAS platforms. We purchased a Sentinel and a Mini for development and prototyping and I have a couple of questions which I hope you can answer.
Is there only going to be support for yolov5? Our development, annotation and modeling pipelines are all setup for yolov8 as most systems are. Is there a conversion mechanism preferred for the model translation from v8 to v5 coco (TFLITE)?
We currently use Roboflow to annotate and train the models. There is a option to download a yolov5 BBO version or a Yolov5 Pytorch. Is it possible to use either of those datasets and use the native yolov5 convert to tflite to run our models. Their docs are not super detailed on creating models so any advice would be of great help.
Recent SDK 1.1.2 (Sentinel) update for voxl-configure-tflite does not map to the correct hires. There is a manual change which must be done on voxl-tflite.conf.
We were introduced to ModalAI from AFWERKS we want to know if there will be continuous integration with QGCGOV.
voxl-inspect-services shows a heavy use with camera server (70 to 90 CPU percent). Is this a bug or is there something we should do to optimize since we are using object detection with the small hires color camera?
Is the ModalAI ESC board the only thing compatible with the controller or is there any possibility of using a third party ESC.
Is there any documentation for SLAM on Sentinel with the SDK or is it only native to ROS?
Any information would be of great help, thank you